Humanity is currently facing several challenges, many of them tackled by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). One of them, maybe the most relevant one, is to reorient our lifestyles.

The sequence of activities aims at provoking critical thinking about the concept of Sustainable Development, focusing on excessive consumption of certain resources (water, fossil fuels, certain minerals ...) and in the production of waste (CO2, waste solids, water pollutants...), as the two most general problems we face from the environmental point of view. Schools become global in the way they share themes of work and imagine common objectives.

See introductory guide   HERE

See all other GCE topics HERE

Author: P. García Maza, L.M. Ferrer Bueno, Asociación Conexión Tejiendo Cuidados

Year: 2018

Languages: Spanish

Typology of education resource : Handbook

GCE Issues: Environment

Author: P. García Maza, L.M. Ferrer Bueno, Asociación Conexión Tejiendo Cuidados

Specific sub-thematic area(s): environment, sustainability, climate change

Key word(s):

Tags: environment environment

School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: Spanish, science

Activity’ objectives:

- Encourage sustainable consumption and environmental awareness as well as the acquisition of habits of waste reduction, reuse and recycling of the waste produced in the classroom.
- Contribute to promote peaceful and inclusive partnerships for sustainable development  through democratic participation in decision-making.

Methodology: Active methodologies, depending on Learning Unit

Age range: 7-13

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