Global Schools helps teachers to integrate Global Citizenship Education (GCE) in their everyday didactic practice.

In this database you find teaching resources in 9 languages, based on a cross-­cutting approach to different school subjects. First, we proposed a selection of already existing educational tools that Global Schools recommends as 'qualitative'. In a second stage, based on the work with teachers, we developed new educational resources that were tested by Global Schools in 10 EU countries. 

If you start using them, we would be glad to hear how they work for you! 

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Global Schools. Propostas de integração curricular da Educação para o Desenvolvimento e Cidadania Global [Proposal for cross curricular integration...

This educational resource consists of a set of didactic activities aiming at integrating GCE objectives into the curricula, showing how these themes can be articulated with the different areas of knowledge and thus give rise to an educational practice oriented to training global citizens.

You find a selection of seven sub-themes: 1. Cultural diversity and visions of the world 2. Visions of the future, alternatives and social transformation 3. Globalisation and increasing complexity of human societies 4. Inequalities, poverty and social exclusion 5. Rights, duties and responsibilities 6. The planetary community 7. Building a fair and sustainable world society

Největší přání [The biggest wish]

The small plush horse travels overseas from faraway Asia up to the city in the heart of Europe. The journey is long, full of unusual encounters and the blue plushy hopes, that in the end he can find someone who likes him, who becomes his friend. Will it happen?

Beautifully illustrated, the story brings together the life of a toy with several places and characters in different parts of the world. Throughout its travel, the story opens topics connected with production of goods as well as values and wishes we all have.

The book is accompanied by a toolkit to guide first grade primary school teachers: 12 cross curricular lessons ready to use, to integrate Global Citizenship Education across subjects.

The teacher can use the book and t-kit in different ways: 1) just read it with pupils as a story (1-2 hours); 2) read the book step by step and combine it with 12 lesson from the t-kit (it can take from 1 to 20 hours; 3) develop a 1 week to 1 month cross-curricular project based on the story and lessons.


A cooperative board game for primary school pupils. It aims to raise children's awareness on the issue of migrations in all its aspects, and thus to develop their critical thinking on this theme. A board game with children characters experiencing different types of migration (conflicts, climate change, economic, etc.) and a booklet for teachers to help them work on migrations and find other resources. Some extensions can be done in the classroom with the children after the game. Extensions are explained in the leaflet attached to the board game.

The game is played in 6 teams. The goal is to allow each child/character represented in the game to complete their migration route. For this, the students will have to cooperate with each other, because if a child has not finished his/her course, the whole class loses. During this journey, children will encounter obstacles. To overcome them, pupils will have to answer questions, and ask their mates when they can not find an answer. These questions tend to teach them more about migration, the lexical component of migrations, and the reality of the lives of migrant people.

Cultura de sostenibilidad [Sustainability culture]

Humanity is currently facing several challenges, many of them tackled by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). One of them, maybe the most relevant one, is to reorient our lifestyles.

The sequence of activities aims at provoking critical thinking about the concept of Sustainable Development, focusing on excessive consumption of certain resources (water, fossil fuels, certain minerals ...) and in the production of waste (CO2, waste solids, water pollutants...), as the two most general problems we face from the environmental point of view. Schools become global in the way they share themes of work and imagine common objectives.

See introductory guide   HERE

See all other GCE topics HERE

Teaching about Climate Change in primary schools

Climate change does not affect everyone equally. Those who are poorest and most vulnerable, yet have contributed the least, are most impacted. It has been suggested that climate change needs to be foregrounded in education and to be approached from different perspectives across the curriculum.

Traditionally, issues around climate change have been explored through subjects such as science and geography. However, calls are increasing for a cross curricular approach to the issue. In fact, the enormity of the climate change challenge can be overwhelming, creating a ‘head-in- the-sand’ reaction. Exploring learners’ feelings and acknowledging their fears and emotions is therefore an essential element of effective climate change education

This resource contains a handbook including background information, key teaching elements, examples and ideas for teachers and schools; it is a useful and practical tool for educators and policy makers on climate change education that puts forward a whole school approach. It sets out some of the key elements of climate change education and offers practical tips and tools for teachers and schools.

Insegnare una nuova cittadinanza [Teaching a new citizenship]

The publication offers an overview of different learning units developed directly by teachers with the help of experts, from both Trentino and Marche, Italy. Materials are highly context-related but at the same time extremely flexible, so to allow other teachers to use and adapt them. Learning units are described in their implementation, except for two that are presented in detail with all materials and attachments, so to directly inspire teachers.

Farídova jízda rikšou [Farid´s Rickshaw Ride]

> The original version in English can be ordered here

A 48-page picture book and a Tool kit to use it in classroom. The book was originally published by Trocaire, Ireland.

Farid is a 9-year-old boy living in Bangladesh. His cousin is visiting from Ireland! In preparation, Farid journeys around Dhaka to collect flowers, fish and blankets. On the way, the rickshaw driver shares some of his experiences which give insight into his life outside the city and prove helpful to Farid in his errands. But an accident brings home how quickly life can change – and a surprise visit shows Farid that there are other kinds of links between Ireland and Bangladesh.

The teacher can use the book + tool kit in different ways: 1) just read the book with pupils (1-2 hours); 2) read the book step by step and combine it with 9 lesson from the t-kit (it can take up to 10 hours; 3) make 1 week/1 month project based on the story and lessons

The t-kit contains a set of 9 lessons: 1. Looking at settings, 2. Looking at characters, 3. Looking at plot, 4. Looking at motive, 5. Looking at themes - trade, 6. Looking at themes - climate change, 7. Looking at themes - migration, 8. Looking at themes - human rights, 9. Looking at themes - writing

Little rubber duck, where do you swim?

> The original version in German is available here

> A Latvian version is also available  here

> A Czech version is also available here

> A Bulgarian version is also available here

Plastic is an indispensable part of our daily lives. Children’s rooms are full of plastic toys, water from lightweight plastic bottles is popular, our food is wrapped in plastic, our kitchens are full of plastic bowls and when we buy things everywhere plastic bags are used. Plastic is widely used and popular because of its characteristics. However, our full life of plastic gives the environment a hard fight. Rotting plastic takes up to 500 years. Sooner or later, large parts of the plastic waste end up in the sea. There are now even plastic islands in the sea. Many animals mistake the plastic waste with food, which often has deadly consequences. In addition, the water quality suffers from the plasticisers. Is plastic a curse or a blessing? Is it harmful to the human body? Would a life without plastic be possible at all? Are there any alternatives? And how can I approach this complex issue to 7 - 10-year olds?

Vom Wald zum Blatt [From the forest to paper]

> A Latvian version is available here

Every day we have to do with it and usually we throw it thoughtlessly away: paper. Every fifth tree is cut for paper. A large part of our paper is manufactured in Austria. Nevertheless, 30% comes from countries such as Canada, Russia and China.

But how is paper produced? Since when do we use it and why is it so important? What about the old paper? How do I find myself in the jungle of certifications? And what can I do sustain this important material?
In this lesson, five different exercises are presented, with the help of which children from 6 to 10 years get to know the topic from different perspectives. All exercises follow the principle of global learning and are interactive and experience-oriented.

Raibā tomātu pasaule [The colourful world of tomatoes]

> The original version in German is available here

> An English version is also available  here

The tomato is the favourite vegetable for half of the Austrians. Due to their good taste and bright red colour, it was referred to as "paradise apple", in Austria today easily recognisable by the name "Paradeiser". Anything other than heavenly are the cultivation and sale of the tomatoes in our globalised age: most tomatoes in our supermarkets are from the Spanish region of Almeria. Precarious working conditions of pickers, use of pesticides and huge water consumption have come to the agenda. These are just some aspects that will be addressed. Activities are presented in an interactive way, so that children from 6 to 10 years get to know the tomato from different perspectives: learn exciting facts about them, look at Almeria from space, develop a seasonal calendar for local vegetables, locating the origin of supermarket vegetables identified by the labels and discover ancient tomato varieties.

For every unit are included teaching goals, methods, worksheets, a detailed sequence plan and background information for teachers.

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