Climate change does not affect everyone equally. Those who are poorest and most vulnerable, yet have contributed the least, are most impacted. It has been suggested that climate change needs to be foregrounded in education and to be approached from different perspectives across the curriculum.
Traditionally, issues around climate change have been explored through subjects such as science and geography. However, calls are increasing for a cross curricular approach to the issue. In fact, the enormity of the climate change challenge can be overwhelming, creating a ‘head-in- the-sand’ reaction. Exploring learners’ feelings and acknowledging their fears and emotions is therefore an essential element of effective climate change education
This resource contains a handbook including background information, key teaching elements, examples and ideas for teachers and schools; it is a useful and practical tool for educators and policy makers on climate change education that puts forward a whole school approach. It sets out some of the key elements of climate change education and offers practical tips and tools for teachers and schools.
Author: Trocaire
Year: 2017
Languages: English
Typology of education resource : Handbook
GCE Issues: Environment
Author: Trocaire
Specific sub-thematic area(s): Climate Change
Key word(s):
climate changes ,
environment ,
environmental education
School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: Cross-curricular
Methodology: Whole school approach based on core elements of climate change education, including knowledge, skills, attitudes and values
Age range: 5-12
Link to website: