Global Schools helps teachers to integrate Global Citizenship Education (GCE) in their everyday didactic practice.

In this database you find teaching resources in 9 languages, based on a cross-­cutting approach to different school subjects. First, we proposed a selection of already existing educational tools that Global Schools recommends as 'qualitative'. In a second stage, based on the work with teachers, we developed new educational resources that were tested by Global Schools in 10 EU countries. 

If you start using them, we would be glad to hear how they work for you! 

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Des choix pour la paix [Options for peace]

Teachers present conflict situations at school, in daily life in France and around the world. Pupils, organized in groups, have to find solutions individually and then collectively. They have to select the solution, which is the best for the whole group, in some propositions and they have to argue their point of view. They have to explain to others groups why they chose this solution.
Problems are described in the document. Pupils have many cards with different solutions: they have to choose in those cards a solution.

Crime Story - Schokolade und Detektive [Crime Story – Chocolate and detectives]

The activity „crime story: chocolate and detectives“ is a riddle that has to be solved in group. The teacher divides the class into 4 investigator/detective groups and tells them the beginning of the story: „In a little village in Cote d´Ivoire Edith (11 years) and Lamin (12 years) suddenly disappear on their way to shool. What happened?“
Step by step the groups get more information by looking for different envelopes in the class room/ school building. In each envelope they find a piece of information, a statement of a witness or a small part of the story.
The groups start in a different corner, the children have to write down the pieces of information to their investigation report according to following criterias: starting situation, crime scene, statements of witnesses in investigation interviews, suspects, solution of case.
At the end the whole class meets in a circle and tries to solve the crime story together.
This activity can serve as the starting point for various other activities on the topic of cocoa, bonded child labour, labours rights etc. At the same time it can be used as an playful, exciting activity during a longer project in field of global citizenship education to activate and energize the target group.

Alejandro, wo lebst denn du? [Alejandro, where do you live?]

The teacher puts big, blue blanket (sea) with continents made of felt or sponge rubber in the center of he room. Each continent should have a different colour. Next to the blanket he/she puts fotos of children (part of the educational materials, for free download) – the fotos have a coloured dot at the back side according to the continents the child belongs to.
The children have the possibility to walk around, have a look at the fotos, take one and answer following questions:

The discussion can be in the whole group or in small groups. Afterwards the children try to place the fotos on the matching continents – with the help of the whole group and the teachers.
The activity can be basis for various ongoing exercises.

Wir machen einen Obstsalat [We make a fruit salad!]

This learning unit focuses on the idea to make a fruit salad together in class. Before the real cooking experience the children have to fullfill three tasks to gain knowledge about fruits from their homecountries and from all over the world.
Task 1 is to mark their favorite fruits for themselves and then make a ranking within small groups.
Task 2 is to accompany their parents into the supermarket, find out the producing countries of various fruits and write them on a worksheet.
Task 3 is to find – back in school – the producing countries of fruits on a map. The distances can be calculated and discussed. In small groups the children have to prepare their arguments for a group discussion and prepare posters according to question ethical consumerism (pros and cons of year-round availibility of fruits in supermarkets, dis/advantages of regional fruits, What is Bio and FairTrade?). Teacher provides back ground information for the group work and at the end every group presents their ideas/points of view.

At the end the whole decides on a democratic way which fruits should be selected to prepare a real fruit salat in class. Eating together and playing an energizer called „fruit salad“ completes the learning unit.

Interculturalidad para la percepción de la diversidad [Interculture to perceive difference]

Diversity is a social and educational concept which states that each person is different, and that personal, social and cultural differences should not be a reason for exclusion. From an educational perspective, diversity is understood as difference that presents the students before the many nuances in attitudes, interests, motivations, capacities, learning rhythms and styles, previous experiences and knowledge, social and cultural environments.

See introductory guide   HERE

See all other GCE topics  HERE

Conectando Mundos [Connecting worlds]

Connecting worlds is an online educational proposal which combines classroom activities with networking among students from 6 to 17 years old. The participants belong to different cultural, economic and social realities and attend school centres from all over the world.

Students interact and work through an online multilingual platform whose contents are available in 8 languages (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, English, French, Galician, Catalan and Basque). The work is carried out in a cooperative manner in working teams of the same age range.

Each year tackles a specific issue related to Education for a Global Citizenship such as labour standards, climate change or poverty and there is a different educational proposal for each age group.

Involucrarse [Get involved]

Enrédate is the educational program of UNICEF that, from the theoretical approach offered by the Education for Development, promotes a vision of Global Citizenship based on knowledge and promotion of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 and bearing the responsibilities that resulting from it.
Offers activities and proposals to develop in the classroom, holding global days, teacher training, sports activities and promotes a network of centers "Involved"

Proyecto de felicidad [Happiness project]

This is a global project to develop basic skills and values education to grade 4.
From the story through competency and tasks we want to contribute to the full development of students and their happy inside and outside the school.
Two characters, Grandpa Li, a Chinese bee, an immigrant to the force after she fell asleep in an orchid in the mountains of China has just wrapped in a beautiful package to a Spanish flower shop, and the small Berta; a very special little bee who discovers in his first outing of the hive that is allergic to flowers, are the wires that lead us for several stories and to new protagonists.
The meeting of both characters will lead to conversations in which the wisdom of Li Berta help to love herself and others love more, to get into the skin of the other or respect the value of all life.
Each story becomes an invitation to work with the students competency tasks and thinking skills throughout the course.

Creación de la plataforma educativa: para un mundo más habitable [Creation of the educational platform: for a more livable world]

Develop a technological platform that facilitates the development of learning by customizing a digital learning environment and interaction of users. The contents will be directed to make a critical analysis of the economic model in which consumption produces large amounts of waste non exploited. an awareness of consumption and utilization of waste with the aim of making our way through the more sustainable planet arises.
The platform is divided into three blocks:
Activities for teachers
Educational activities for the classroom
Network of socio-educational interaction
It has also created an educational kit that contains teaching materials for the development of off-line activities proposed, consisting of eight activity cards, a guide for teachers and a thematic poster of the activity.

Iecietības veicināšana izglītības iestādēs [Promoting tolerance in educational institutions]

Material provides methods for teacher to use in class for reducing intolerance between children and providing different conflict solution strategies. The activities can be successfully implemented in elementary school and also in kindergarten. It is very important to begin discussions about different values, attitude and ways of conflict solution at an early age. These skills are very important part of democracy development in school environment and also for living in inclusive society. Tolerance is important part of socialization in school and also in multicultural society.
 A campaign against intolerance is one of the activities offered in material. Campaign involves teachers, children and their parents as volunteers – the whole school community. At the beginning teachers investigate situations with intolerant behaviour in school environment and the possible reasons for that. They also try to understand prejudices and reasons for passive attitude to intolerant behaviour. This investigation serves as a basis for campaign materials (leaflets, posters) development. Campaign offers a seminar for children against intolerant behaviour. At the beginning of this activity teacher tells a story about intolerant attitude. Story facilitates children understanding that people have different values, attitude and knowledge that human actions follow from their values. Then teacher facilitates discussion about the problems topicality in school and in local social environment. Teacher tries to use various issues, events and problems to improve children understanding of human values and opinions. Children are encouraged to ask questions and debate about intolerant behaviour. Teacher asks children to give examples about their own experience and discuss examples of intolerance to different values and attitudes. Then follows discussion about possibilities to solve this problem, about their feelings when facing intolerant attitude and about different ways they can help each other. Teacher facilitates children awareness of the importance of dialogue, tolerance, respect and empathy in successful conflict solution. Discussions help children to understand that there are possibilities of choice in conflict situations. Teacher also explains where to look for help if it is necessary for conflict solution. During this campaign children get knowledge about the essence of conflicts and the need to solve them. Children raise awareness that everybody has the right to express their own opinion, ideas and thoughts, that nobody has the right to humiliate an individual.

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