Diversity is a social and educational concept which states that each person is different, and that personal, social and cultural differences should not be a reason for exclusion. From an educational perspective, diversity is understood as difference that presents the students before the many nuances in attitudes, interests, motivations, capacities, learning rhythms and styles, previous experiences and knowledge, social and cultural environments.
See introductory guide HERE
See all other GCE topics HERE
Author: T.Coma, A.C. Blasco, B. Dieste
Year: 2018
Languages: Spanish
Typology of education resource : Handbook + class activities
GCE Issues: GCE issues
Author: T.Coma, A.C. Blasco, B. Dieste
Specific sub-thematic area(s): interculture, difference, stereotypes
Key word(s):
bullying ,
collaboration ,
diversity ,
School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: knowledge of the environment
Activity’ objectives:
- Discover cultural diversity, showing an attitude of appreciation and respect.
- Develop writing skills about aspects related to culture and values
- Explain and listen to aspects related to culture and values
Pupils’ learning competences (SUBJECT- specific) addressed: Social and Civic Values; Artistic education; Spanish Language and Literature
Methodology: Cooperative-learning, Problem-based learning, Debate (activity or competition or else), Learning to live together
Age range: 6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-14
Link to website: www.dpz.es/global-schools/recursos-educativos/interculturalidad-para-la-percepcion-de-la-diversidad-recurso-educativo/view