Material provides methods for teacher to use in class for reducing intolerance between children and providing different conflict solution strategies. The activities can be successfully implemented in elementary school and also in kindergarten. It is very important to begin discussions about different values, attitude and ways of conflict solution at an early age. These skills are very important part of democracy development in school environment and also for living in inclusive society. Tolerance is important part of socialization in school and also in multicultural society.
 A campaign against intolerance is one of the activities offered in material. Campaign involves teachers, children and their parents as volunteers – the whole school community. At the beginning teachers investigate situations with intolerant behaviour in school environment and the possible reasons for that. They also try to understand prejudices and reasons for passive attitude to intolerant behaviour. This investigation serves as a basis for campaign materials (leaflets, posters) development. Campaign offers a seminar for children against intolerant behaviour. At the beginning of this activity teacher tells a story about intolerant attitude. Story facilitates children understanding that people have different values, attitude and knowledge that human actions follow from their values. Then teacher facilitates discussion about the problems topicality in school and in local social environment. Teacher tries to use various issues, events and problems to improve children understanding of human values and opinions. Children are encouraged to ask questions and debate about intolerant behaviour. Teacher asks children to give examples about their own experience and discuss examples of intolerance to different values and attitudes. Then follows discussion about possibilities to solve this problem, about their feelings when facing intolerant attitude and about different ways they can help each other. Teacher facilitates children awareness of the importance of dialogue, tolerance, respect and empathy in successful conflict solution. Discussions help children to understand that there are possibilities of choice in conflict situations. Teacher also explains where to look for help if it is necessary for conflict solution. During this campaign children get knowledge about the essence of conflicts and the need to solve them. Children raise awareness that everybody has the right to express their own opinion, ideas and thoughts, that nobody has the right to humiliate an individual.

Author: Inese Muceniece

Year: 2008

Languages: Latvian

Typology of education resource : Educational tool kit

GCE Issues: Diversity issues

Author: Inese Muceniece

Specific sub-thematic area(s): Social science

Key word(s):

Tags: democracy democracy , diversity diversity , respect respect , supportive environment supportive environment , tollerance tollerance

School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: Social sciences, literature, arts

Activity’ objectives:

• Raise awareness about conflicts in social environment;
• Provide different conflict solving strategies;
• Facilitate children social skills development by considering that each individual has different values and attitudes.

Pupils’ learning competences (SUBJECT- specific) addressed: • Understanding about discrimination and inequality in society; • Understanding that there are possibilities of choice in conflict situations, of the consequences of conflicts; • Awareness of the importance of dialogue, tolerance, respect and empathy; • Development of communication, negotiation, compromise and co-operation skills; • Understanding of the ways conflicts can influence people.

Pupils’ learning competences (CGE) addressed: • Awareness of prejudices, discrimination and ways to decrease it; • Understanding of interconnectedness and interdependence between various cultures and ideas; • Understanding of the universality and indivisibility of human rights; • Mutual respect.

Methodology: Cooperative-learning, Problem-based learning, Philosophy for children, Debate (activity or competition or else), Learning to live together

Age range: 6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-14

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