Global Schools helps teachers to integrate Global Citizenship Education (GCE) in their everyday didactic practice.

In this database you find teaching resources in 9 languages, based on a cross-­cutting approach to different school subjects. First, we proposed a selection of already existing educational tools that Global Schools recommends as 'qualitative'. In a second stage, based on the work with teachers, we developed new educational resources that were tested by Global Schools in 10 EU countries. 

If you start using them, we would be glad to hear how they work for you! 

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Aufbruch in ein neues Land [Sailing to a New Land - What will you throw overboard?]

Here you find an english version of the activity discription and the working sheets:

The children imagine they are sailing to a new continent, but to get there they must choose to cast non-essentials overboard.
Children are divided into small groups and each group gets an envelope with all Wants and Needs cards - these are the things they are packing to take with them for life in the new country. Ask each group to open the envelope, spread out all their cards and examine them.
The boat is setting sail and step by step the teacher tells them a story about their journey to a new land. The story contains little challenges and turnarounds so that the children have to throw overboard ballast weight. That means that they have to decide step by step together which Wants and Needs cards they have put on a pile and keept the cards they would need to survive in new land.
At the end end of their boat trip to a new land they have only a few cards left, they stick them on a poster and explain what they brought to survive, to grow and develop a new society.

Part of the debriefing and evaluation should include following aspects: group process on decision making, what are human needs, what do people need to survive, to grow and develop well etc.

Biographiewerkstatt: Transkulturelle Biographiearbeit [Biography Workshop: transcultural biography work]

Here you find an italian version of these activities:

The learning unit consists of two parts and can take up to 12 hours (zB for project weeks, within a semester focus, etc.).

Part one provides warming-up activities to get in contact with the topic of biography in a playful, child-oriented way. It includes 1. a question activity to learn more about each other, 2. an activity that invides children to complete sentences about their emotions and share it, 3. an activity to form changing groups according to different characteristics, 4. an activity that invides the children to position themselves in four different cornes according to different biographical questions and 5. a game that allows to lie regarding their own biographies. Each activity takes about 10 – 15 minutes.

Part two focuses on the consciousness raising and vizualisation of the childrens biographies.
It consists of 1. an activity that motivates children to invent an imaginary biography according to different pictures and fotos of children from all over the world, 2. an drawing activity to create their own trees of life, 3. an activity to locate their family migration movements on a world map and 4. a creative process to develop their own family emblem.

Water, Water!

Water, in particular clean water, is vital for all our lives. Designed for KS2 (7-11 years) this resource enables pupils to explore access to water, what it is used for, how much they need and how it can be cleaned.

Comprehensive teacher's notes, pupil worksheets and a range of support materials, including Powerpoints, technical briefs and videos, reduces preparation time to a minimum and results in a series of rich, engaging, inquiry-based lessons backed up by secondary sources of information.

The unit is divided into three pairs of lessons as shown below. The first lesson in each pair can be used in isolation, each pair can be taught, or the unit can be taught as a sequence of six lessons. Each lesson is designed to fit into normal science curriculum time but there are opportunities for further work making the material well suited to off timetable activities such as STEM clubs and collapsed curriculum days.

Three lessons:
1: It's a lot to carry
2: Using water
3: Top toilets!

Appreciating the World

A series of outdoor activities:
- 'magic listening stones' are used to invite children to tune in to their sense of hearing, and engage with the multitude of sounds in their envionment
- 'feely' bags: children collect different objects from their environment, then take turns in trying to identify the object, and describe what they can feel
- 'frames': children look through different frames to help focus their seeing.

Finally, children are encouraged to make connections between the ways in which they use their senses to connect with the world, and how that makes them feel.

Global Literacy - Pupil Audit

A series of 5 participatory classroom activities which are designed to enable children to explore their knowledge and attitudes in relation to the global themes of poverty, fairness, and interdependence. The activities are accompanied by record sheets, so that teachers can take note of the attitudes and preconceptions children hold, and keep these as a baseline measure, so that - after further targeted global citizenship lessons and activities - it is possible to revisit the pupil audit and track the changes in pupils' attitudes over time, with a mixture of quantitative and qualitative evidence.

Compass Rose Planning Tool

A useful planning tool for teachers thinking about a new global topic or for use with children:
- it is particularly useful for helping us to focus on the commonality between what can appear to be quite different situations
- itcan be used to help enquiry about places, issues, or photographs representing a place or situation 

You can place an image or an ‘issue’ in the centre of the ‘compass’. Questions can be generated for each of the four ‘compass points’. These could then be compared with questions generated about an apparently different situation, and the commonalities between them then explored. These questions might also be a starting point for further enquiry.

Migration and Global Learning

The activity is in 3 parts:
• The ‘Getting started’ section provides introductory questions for pupils to begin exploring the concept of migration.
• The ‘Getting critical’ section looks at the reasons why people might migrate, and uses examples from history and the present day to get pupils thinking about what it might be like to migrate.
• The ‘Resources’ section provides links to further information and teaching resources.

Spotlight on South Sudan: A development Education Resource for Primary Schools

The resource contains two drama schemes – one aimed at those in 3rd/4th class and above and one aimed at 5th/6th class. It also contains a number of resources that teachers can photocopy and use with their class to teach the scheme, for example hidden briefs and pictures. Additionally, the resource contains suggested lesson plans that complement the learning in the drama schemes.

Food for Thought: Exploring Poverty and Hunger in our World

An education resource to introduce young learners aged 3-6 to the concepts of hunger and poverty with a focus on Rwanda. A list of activities and a photopack are included to help young students value diversity and encourage empathy.

The Right Start

This is a whole school approach to human right education. It includes a teachers toolkit which provides general guidelines regarding how to approach human rights education in a school, as well as five themes which comprise of a number of lessons, all relating to human rights. Each lesson has specific objectives, as well as curriculum links and suggested time-frames. Furthermore, the resource includes photocopiable teachers resource sheets and tips, and also lists the methodologies to be used. Also included is a guide to human rights education and why it is important, and a background to the resource.

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