This is a whole school approach to human right education. It includes a teachers toolkit which provides general guidelines regarding how to approach human rights education in a school, as well as five themes which comprise of a number of lessons, all relating to human rights. Each lesson has specific objectives, as well as curriculum links and suggested time-frames. Furthermore, the resource includes photocopiable teachers resource sheets and tips, and also lists the methodologies to be used. Also included is a guide to human rights education and why it is important, and a background to the resource.

Author: Amnesty International Ireland

Year: 2006

Languages: English

Typology of education resource : Educational tool kit

GCE Issues: Human rights

Author: Amnesty International Ireland

Specific sub-thematic area(s): conflict resolution, respect and responsibility, cooperation

Key word(s):

Tags: comunication comunication , conflict resolution conflict resolution , cooperation cooperation , empathy empathy , human rights human rights , respect respect , responsibility responsibility

School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: SPHE (Social, personal and Health education), Art Drama, ICT

Activity’ objectives:

The primary aims of the resource is to promote a whole school approach to human rights education. Each learning section then has different specific objectives.

1) that children will be
able to recognise and understand their
own and others’ emotions and how
their actions might affect others
2) children will
learn the importance of using a range
of communication skills in maintaining
and developing their role as members
of a community.
3) Children will be introduced to skills that will
enable them to work effectively with
4) e to provide children with
opportunities which will encourage
them to develop the attitude of
respect for human rights through
learning to respect themselves, other people,
property and the environment.Children will develop an understanding of the positive impact they can
make both in their own lives and in the wider community.
5) Children will
know and understand appropriate
ways in which to deal with conflict

Pupils’ learning competences (SUBJECT- specific) addressed: Geography: Human Environments-Living in the local community, people at work Music: Listening and Responding to Music English: Emotional and imaginative development through language, developing cognitive activities through language, Using language, writing, oral language, talking and listening,clarifying thought through writing Visual Art: Drawing - Making drawings, looking and responding, painting, print, making prints, construction SPHE: Personal Understanding, myself and the wider world, developing citizenship, myself, taking care of my body, self identity, relating to others Science: Living things, myself, environmental awareness and care - caring for my localtiy Mathematics: Number - counting and numeration Physical Education: Games-Creating and playing games History: Myself and my family - My family or the family of a person I know

Pupils’ learning competences (CGE) addressed: Reflection Collaborative learning Problem solving

Methodology: Cooperative-learning, Problem-based learning, Debate (activity or competition or else), World-links method, Learning to live together

Age range: 6-7, 8-9, 4-5

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