A series of 5 participatory classroom activities which are designed to enable children to explore their knowledge and attitudes in relation to the global themes of poverty, fairness, and interdependence. The activities are accompanied by record sheets, so that teachers can take note of the attitudes and preconceptions children hold, and keep these as a baseline measure, so that - after further targeted global citizenship lessons and activities - it is possible to revisit the pupil audit and track the changes in pupils' attitudes over time, with a mixture of quantitative and qualitative evidence.

Author: Cumbria Development Education Centre

Year: 2014

Languages: English

Typology of education resource : Class activity

GCE Issues: GCE issues

Author: Cumbria Development Education Centre

Specific sub-thematic area(s): poverty, social justice, development

Key word(s):

Tags: tracking changes in pupills'attitudes tracking changes in pupills'attitudes

School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: Literacy, personal development

Activity’ objectives:

A 2 hour classroom activity designed to find out what pupils know, or think they know, about other people and places, and about the global themes of poverty, food, and fairness.

Pupils’ learning competences (CGE) addressed: - explore and address preconceptions about 'Africa' - critically engage with some of the reasons for, and myths about, hunger in the world - explore causes and wider effects of global inequalities - learn about (and evaluate) ideas for taking action to make the world fairer

Methodology: Cooperative-learning, Debate (activity or competition or else)

Age range: 8-9, 10-11, 12-14

Duration: 2.00.00

Pedagogic references: Based on approach developed by RISC.

Link to website: https://issuu.com/katiecdec/docs/audit_handbook/1?e=7470927/1613351

Relevant notes :

The audits were carried out in three European countries (the UK, Poland and the Czech Republic) and one African country (Ghana), between 2011 and 2012. In total 862 pupils aged from 9 to 15, coming from private and public primary and secondary schools, took part in it. A report of these findings is available here http://issuu.com/katiecdec/docs/global_literacy_pupil_audt_report/1?e=7470927/2435503

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