This learning unit focuses on the idea to make a fruit salad together in class. Before the real cooking experience the children have to fullfill three tasks to gain knowledge about fruits from their homecountries and from all over the world.
Task 1 is to mark their favorite fruits for themselves and then make a ranking within small groups.
Task 2 is to accompany their parents into the supermarket, find out the producing countries of various fruits and write them on a worksheet.
Task 3 is to find – back in school – the producing countries of fruits on a map. The distances can be calculated and discussed. In small groups the children have to prepare their arguments for a group discussion and prepare posters according to question ethical consumerism (pros and cons of year-round availibility of fruits in supermarkets, dis/advantages of regional fruits, What is Bio and FairTrade?). Teacher provides back ground information for the group work and at the end every group presents their ideas/points of view.
At the end the whole decides on a democratic way which fruits should be selected to prepare a real fruit salat in class. Eating together and playing an energizer called „fruit salad“ completes the learning unit.
Author: Ingrid Ausserer, ZENTRUM POLIS – Politik Lernen in der Schule
Year: 2010
Languages: German
Typology of education resource : Class activity
GCE Issues: Environment
Author: Ingrid Ausserer, ZENTRUM POLIS – Politik Lernen in der Schule
Specific sub-thematic area(s): Critical consumption food
Key word(s):
School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: Biology, Geography, Economy
Activity’ objectives:
To reflect on the topic of food in globalized world
to find out which sorts of fruits grow in our region and which not
to reflect on our daily life consumption using fruits as example
Pupils’ learning competences (SUBJECT- specific) addressed: Environment: Responsibility towards our environment, knowledge about ecological consequences of our food consumption Geography: Knowledge about maps Economy: To find out that just a part of our food is produced in Austria
Pupils’ learning competences (CGE) addressed: Reflecting on the question how my daily actions are connected to global dimensionb
Methodology: Problem-based learning, Debate (activity or competition or else), World-links method
Age range: 8-9
Link to website:
Relevant notes :
The educational tools includes all needed worksheets – free download.