This is a global project to develop basic skills and values education to grade 4.
From the story through competency and tasks we want to contribute to the full development of students and their happy inside and outside the school.
Two characters, Grandpa Li, a Chinese bee, an immigrant to the force after she fell asleep in an orchid in the mountains of China has just wrapped in a beautiful package to a Spanish flower shop, and the small Berta; a very special little bee who discovers in his first outing of the hive that is allergic to flowers, are the wires that lead us for several stories and to new protagonists.
The meeting of both characters will lead to conversations in which the wisdom of Li Berta help to love herself and others love more, to get into the skin of the other or respect the value of all life.
Each story becomes an invitation to work with the students competency tasks and thinking skills throughout the course.
Author: Martín Pinos Quílez
Year: 2011
Languages: Spanish
Typology of education resource : Teacher's guide
GCE Issues: Diversity issues
Author: Martín Pinos Quílez
Specific sub-thematic area(s): peace,interculturalism and tolerance
Key word(s):
co-education ,
conflict resolution ,
empathy ,
interculturalism ,
peaceful ,
self-esteem ,
tollerance ,
School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: physical education, art education, music and English language
Activity’ objectives:
1. Incorporate work proposals, integrating different areas through competency tasks.
2. Develop comprehension and oral expression and written from a globalized and meaningful proposal for students.
3. To promote the love of reading as a source of pleasure, search information and personal enrichment.
4. To promote the improvement of school life and happiness of students through the development of values and social-emotional skills such as
self-esteem, multiculturalism, coeducation, tolerance, resolution dialogue of conflict and peace education.
5. Increase student motivation toward school learning and human values.
6. Involve families in the teaching and learning of their sons and daughters.
7. Provide teachers resources to facilitate the incorporation integrated of the basic skills and values in classroom programming.
Pupils’ learning competences (SUBJECT- specific) addressed: - Linguistic competence - Mathematical competence - knowledge and interaction with the physical world competence - cultural and artistic competence - Social and civic competence - Digital competence - personal autonomy and initiative competence
Pupils’ learning competences (CGE) addressed: - Self-knowledge. - Empathy. - Human rights - Knowledge of other cultures - Rules of coexistence . - Social thought.
Methodology: Learning to live together
Age range: 10-11
Pedagogic references: globalization and crosscutting
Link to website:
Relevant notes :
Available on CD. You can download it free of charge