Teachers present conflict situations at school, in daily life in France and around the world. Pupils, organized in groups, have to find solutions individually and then collectively. They have to select the solution, which is the best for the whole group, in some propositions and they have to argue their point of view. They have to explain to others groups why they chose this solution.
Problems are described in the document. Pupils have many cards with different solutions: they have to choose in those cards a solution.

Author: CCFD-Terre solidaire

Year: 2012

Languages: French

Typology of education resource : Learning unit

GCE Issues: Peace

Author: CCFD-Terre solidaire

Specific sub-thematic area(s): gender equality, racism, basic needs

Key word(s):

Tags: conflict conflict , inequalities inequalities , peace peace

School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: moral and civic education, geography, french

Activity’ objectives:

Make children aware of causes or consequences of conflict in their everyday life and more generally in the world.
Show possible actions to prevent and to settle conflicts.
Show the importance of building a respectful, fair and supportive world. Respectful of differences, promote human rights and sustainable peace.

Pupils’ learning competences (SUBJECT- specific) addressed: Geography : France in the world. Rich and poor countries around the world. French : oral language. Pupils practice to speak in front of others, to reformulate, to summarize, to tell, to describe, to explain and to argue. Moral and civic education : self respect, respect the integrity of persons, importance of rights and rules, rules of civil and public life, democracy, denial of discriminations.

Pupils’ learning competences (CGE) addressed: The pupil is able to : Respect others, gender equality. Be aware of human people dignity in daily life Understand rights and obligations, accept them and apply them Participate to a dialogue: speak in front of each others, listen to others, explain and justify a point of view. Cooperate with others pupils.

Methodology: Cooperative-learning, Problem-based learning, Debate (activity or competition or else)

Age range: 8-9, 10-11

Duration: 02:00:00

Link to website: http://ccfd-terresolidaire.org/mob/nos-outils-d-animation/dossier-enseignants-478/des-choix-pour-la-paix

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