Enrédate is the educational program of UNICEF that, from the theoretical approach offered by the Education for Development, promotes a vision of Global Citizenship based on knowledge and promotion of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 and bearing the responsibilities that resulting from it.
Offers activities and proposals to develop in the classroom, holding global days, teacher training, sports activities and promotes a network of centers "Involved"


Year: 2002

Languages: Spanish

Typology of education resource : Educational tool kit

GCE Issues: GCE issues


Specific sub-thematic area(s): global solidarity, peace, tolerance, social justice or the awareness of environmental issues

Key word(s):

Tags: conflict resolution conflict resolution , future changes future changes , images and perceptions images and perceptions , interdependence interdependence , social justice social justice

School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: knowledge of the environment, physical education

Activity’ objectives:

Incorporate into Center Education Plan the knowledge and defense of the rights of children
Celebrate Universal Children's Day
Using educational materials UNICEF and participating in educational campaigns.
Promote activities that contribute to the funding of international cooperation programs that UNICEF develops around the world.

Pupils’ learning competences (SUBJECT- specific) addressed: citizenship and social competence

Pupils’ learning competences (CGE) addressed: cooperation and participation, approach rights and responsibilities in the classroom

Methodology: Cooperative-learning, Philosophy for children, Debate (activity or competition or else), World-links method, Learning to live together

Age range: 6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-14

Link to website: http://www.enredate.org/

Relevant notes :

multimedia resources

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