A cooperative board game for primary school pupils. It aims to raise children's awareness on the issue of migrations in all its aspects, and thus to develop their critical thinking on this theme. A board game with children characters experiencing different types of migration (conflicts, climate change, economic, etc.) and a booklet for teachers to help them work on migrations and find other resources. Some extensions can be done in the classroom with the children after the game. Extensions are explained in the leaflet attached to the board game.
The game is played in 6 teams. The goal is to allow each child/character represented in the game to complete their migration route. For this, the students will have to cooperate with each other, because if a child has not finished his/her course, the whole class loses. During this journey, children will encounter obstacles. To overcome them, pupils will have to answer questions, and ask their mates when they can not find an answer. These questions tend to teach them more about migration, the lexical component of migrations, and the reality of the lives of migrant people.
Author: Le Partenariat and City of Dunkirk
Year: 2018
Languages: French
Typology of education resource : Board game with cards and booklet
GCE Issues: Diversity issues
Author: Le Partenariat and City of Dunkirk
Specific sub-thematic area(s): Migrations, human rights
Key word(s):
asylum seeker ,
human needs ,
human rights ,
migration ,
Migrations ,
School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: Geography, Moral and Civic Education, Mathematics, French
Methodology: Role playing, critical thinking, active and cooperative pedagogy
Age range: 9-11
Duration: 50 minutes for the game and 1h for debriefing after the game
Link to website: https://www.lepartenariat.org/fr/centre-gaia/migramundo.html