The small plush horse travels overseas from faraway Asia up to the city in the heart of Europe. The journey is long, full of unusual encounters and the blue plushy hopes, that in the end he can find someone who likes him, who becomes his friend. Will it happen?

Beautifully illustrated, the story brings together the life of a toy with several places and characters in different parts of the world. Throughout its travel, the story opens topics connected with production of goods as well as values and wishes we all have.

The book is accompanied by a toolkit to guide first grade primary school teachers: 12 cross curricular lessons ready to use, to integrate Global Citizenship Education across subjects.

The teacher can use the book and t-kit in different ways: 1) just read it with pupils as a story (1-2 hours); 2) read the book step by step and combine it with 12 lesson from the t-kit (it can take from 1 to 20 hours; 3) develop a 1 week to 1 month cross-curricular project based on the story and lessons.

Author: Ester Stará, illustrations by Daniela Olejnìkovà

Year: 2018

Languages: Czech

Typology of education resource : Book + Tool kit

GCE Issues: GCE issues

Author: Ester Stará, illustrations by Daniela Olejnìkovà

Key word(s):

Tags: diversity diversity , production production

Pupils’ learning competences (SUBJECT- specific) addressed: critical literacy

Methodology: group work, reading/writing exercices; critical thinking; exploring/playing; creative work

Age range: 8-11

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