Emotions are the essence of life. Since we are born we are pure emotion and intuition. If there is something common to all cultures and that distinguishes us as humans is this "repertoire" of unconscious answers of passions, affections and feelings toward the people and things that surround us. Therefore, science is putting the focus on the study of these aspects: emotion, intuition and being in touch with the essence through meditation. These themes begin to be increasingly present in the classrooms too as well as in school curriculums.

This resource focusses on increasing personal and social well-being, as a necessary for quality education. Within the framework of  Global Citizenship Education it develops in the students abilities as to discern the emotions of the other, to use an emotional vocabulary, to empathically engage in the experiences of other people and/or dealing with negative emotions and circumstances; it will help equip them with tools that allow them to be aware of inequalities, build a culture of peace and nonviolence, an assessment of the more positive diversity and contribute to a more sustainable global development.

See introductory guide   HERE

See all other GCE topics  HERE

Author: Asociación Educare Formación, D. Aristizábal Parra, A.C. Blasco Serrano, E. Cid Romero, B. Dieste Gracia

Year: 2018

Languages: Spanish

Typology of education resource : 3 learning units

GCE Issues: Environment

Author: Asociación Educare Formación, D. Aristizábal Parra, A.C. Blasco Serrano, E. Cid Romero, B. Dieste Gracia

Specific sub-thematic area(s): Responsible use of resources, Responsible consumption

Key word(s):

Tags: basic needs basic needs , emotions emotions , empathy empathy , future future , human needs human needs , peace peace

School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: Spanish, social science

Activity’ objectives:

- Know the basic emotions: joy, sadness, fear and anger and identify them in yourself and in others.

- Employ different elements of the verbal and non-verbal communication to manifest coherently feelings and emotions.

- Explore and use the  expressive possibilities of bodies for the manifestation of emotions, sensations, ideas and situations.

Pupils’ learning competences (SUBJECT- specific) addressed: Linguistic communication; Social and civic competences

Pupils’ learning competences (CGE) addressed: Comparing information, Discussing

Methodology: Cooperative-learning, Debate, Game and Meditation

Age range: 7-11

Duration: Depending on the units

Link to website: http://www.dpz.es/global-schools/recursos-educativos/educacion-emocional-recurso-educativo/view

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