Working phases
1. First approach in the classroom with the topic. Through brainstorming children have to say what are for them the rights of children.
2. Parents and children: rights and duties
3. Presentation of Peters world map and reflection on the rights of children worldwide.
4. Vision on You Tube of Malala’s speech at Un.
5. Iqbal’s movie and focus on child labour. Discussion on the life of Iqbal retracing the plot of the film and deepening the problems in relation to the poor countries where childhood is subjected to exploitation.
6. Activity in subgroups on what children can or cannot do all over the world.
7. Unicef presentation and reading of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
8. Reading of child soldiers and discussion on war games.
9. Brainstorming on bullying and discussion/ analyzing news published on the media.
10. Meeting with a migrant on his/her migratory experience. Activity on migration glossary.
11. Final activity: creation of a poster by drawning the sense of the project. Example: a daisy (some petals representing the children’s rights and other the children’s duties)

Author: School of Mogoro (OR)

Year: 2014

Languages: Italian

Typology of education resource : Learning unit

GCE Issues: Human rights

Author: School of Mogoro (OR)

Specific sub-thematic area(s): North-South imbalances, Migration, Active citizenship

Key word(s):

Tags: bullying bullying , child labour child labour , child soldiers child soldiers

School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: Geography; Citizenship constitution; Iitalian

Activity’ objectives:

- To acquire the concepts of right, duty, need
- Knowing the different documents about human rights
- To recognize the North and South areas of the world in their social and economic differences
- To reflect on the differences between the world populations in relation to the application of the Law on the Rights
- Educating for creativity as a tool to convey a message

Pupils’ learning competences (SUBJECT- specific) addressed: ITALIAN - To read and understand narrative texts - To read and understand informational texts - to devise and develop a message using   different tools GEOGRAPHY AND CITIZENSHIP CONSTITUTION - to be oriented on a world map - To learn about different socio-economic realities - To study issues on socio-economic imbalances - Understand the importance of a legislation on Rights of the Child

Pupils’ learning competences (CGE) addressed: - Decentralizing - Grasping the interdependence - Thinking critically

Methodology: Cooperative-learning, Debate (activity or competition or else), World-links method

Age range: 10-11

Link to website:

Relevant notes :

Activity duration: 5 months

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