Different activities are proposed to classes in order to learn how much globalization influences lives of people. For example:
Analyzing the origin of the products we buy.
Looking up clothes’ labs.
Trying to find production places of everyday objects: our beds, our toothbrushes, our mobile, and so on…
One of the useful activities that deal with the general argumentation is Globingo (“Find someone who…”). It is a sort of bingo that consists of answering about family, food, travel, cloths and collecting various countries’ nouns. Its goal: having the highest number of countries -from all Continents- in order to build a clear perception of the world as something close to people, of which people must interest because it concerns all people on the world.
Because of this big number of countries it is necessary to consider:
What do you know about these countries: where they are, how they are, those who live there, what People do there. To learn more about other countries and peoples of the world several tools should be used: geography book, documentary film, meeting with those who were born or lived in those countries. An interesting preparatory activity to work on individual countries is comparing Mercator’s Map or that of Peters. Through this activity the students can see non eurocentric projections and also non-linear world and territories. What are the differences between our reality and that of other countries? Even in this case you can use different sources: from the official statistics of the United Nations – which each year publishes updates on the situation in the world – to an encounter with a stranger who may bring your own testimony. An activity that is quick and easy is “The hundreds’ World”, also known as “If the world were a village of 100 people”.
How each of us are involved in the relationships that every day across the world? The classical question of who wants to deal with problems of the world is “why am Iinvolved in?”. The suggestion of this last section is to face the question from the point of view of the relationship that each of us entertains daily with large multinational companies, the protagonists of the first globalization. To face the issue teachers can use numerous recent books and / or films documentaries

Author: CISV (leader) and other NGOs and associations

Year: 2014

Languages: Italian

Typology of education resource : Class activity

GCE Issues: Social & economic justice

Author: CISV (leader) and other NGOs and associations

Specific sub-thematic area(s): Globalization, Migrations

Key word(s):

Tags: connections connections , interdependence interdependence

School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: Italian, History, Geography, Maths, Statistics, Law, Foreign language

Activity’ objectives:

- Becoming aware of local and global ties.
- Being able to observe different contexts and different points of view.
- Discovering aggregated consequences of individual activities.
- Learning about some forms of fair trade.
- Becoming aware of one’s own responsibilities as citizen and consumer.

Pupils’ learning competences (SUBJECT- specific) addressed: - Communication in mother tongue - Social and civic competences - Digital competences - Communication in foreign languages - Geographical competences - Historical competences

Pupils’ learning competences (CGE) addressed: - Decentralizing - To grasp the interdependence - To de-colonize one’s own way of thinking - Moving from the local to the universal developing a holistic dimension - Thinking critically - Acting responsibly for the common good

Methodology: Problem-based learning, Input-orientation, Debate (activity or competition or else), Simulation method, World-links method

Age range: 12-14

Duration: 10:00:00

Link to website: http://www.parlezvousglobal.org/sintesi-del-documento-di-capitalizzazione-del-progetto/

Relevant notes :

1) This educational resource offers the following teaching tools:
For those who want to deepen the work on the origin of foods we suggest a book – Sterpellone L., A Pranzo con la Storia. Il Nostro Cibo dagli Assiri ai fast-food, Ed SEI, 2008 – a website for investigation on food www.eat-ing.net
On the website you can find both “Globingo” and the “Bingo border”, dedicated to migration. Or try on a search engine the term “Globingo”; Always on the site is the work “The hundreds’ World”, otherwise known as “If the world were a village of 100 people” (looking on the search engines you can find other  versions).
Information and activities with the Peters Map can be found at: http://www.parlezvousglobal.org/it/la-mappa-non-e-il-territorio/ - http://www.petersmap.com
Information and games on the geography of the world: deagostinigeografia.it – worldatlas.com -http://world-geography-games.com
Updated statistical datas on countries of the world can be found at: data.worldbank.org /
hdr.undp.org  – faostat.fao.org
A bibliography on globalization can be found on Wikipedia
A movie to watch is “The corporation”, by M. Achbar, Abbott J., J. Bakan (2003)
Information on fair trade and responsible tourism are in the search engines.

2) The entire Italian book contains many ideas (based on problem situations) for the evaluation and self-evaluation of the developed competences.

3) The activity is part of a wider tool titled “Migrazioni e cittadinanza mondiale a scuola” (pp. 13-15, 64-68);

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