Manual " Education for Change: sustainable development in teaching and learning guide “the result of the project “Education for Change “experience. This is a handbook intended as a practical guide for teaching and learning for sustainable development. It is designed for teachers, university teachers and other teacher trainers. Manual Unit group of authors for different countries around the Baltic Sea. “Education for Change " is a project designed to help teachers and teacher trainers to incorporate the concept of sustainable development in education. Manual text is highlighted questions for reflection. They are intended for teacher discussions and contribute to a better understanding of the different topics . A range of diverse exercises and activities are also included in the handbook as resources and source of inspiration.
Manual Chapter 1 deals with the concept of sustainable development and the necessity of explaining what it is, with what it is associated. This chapter gives descriptions and definitions, a brief historical background and different views on the concept of sustainable development guidance. Chapter 2 discusses the basis of knowledge and explains what education for sustainable development (ESD) is. This deals with the necessary knowledge and skills, explains why they are necessary, and shows opportunities for their development. Chapter 3 examines ESD teaching methods used and the circumstances in which they can be used. It offers methods for pedagogical work with values clarification, critical thinking, problem solving and operational competence. Activities are offered "unfinished sentence building", "Ranking", "Change circle", "four corners" and others, which help to find out children's knowledge and understanding. Role-playing and storytelling method helps to get into and get a better understanding of both their community and global issues. Chapter 4 offers a variety of teaching and learning resources with sustainable results inspiration. These are the recommendations for teachers' professional development for sustainable education, education for sustainable development and values. Diversity of activities is useful for every teacher of global education, for updating ideas and their integration in learning content. They encourage to creatively use the global aspect in the learning process.

Author: The project “Education for Change “with participants from different countries in the Baltic Sea. (Children's Environmental School)

Year: 2008

Languages: Latvian

Typology of education resource : Educational tool kit

GCE Issues: Environment

Author: The project “Education for Change “with participants from different countries in the Baltic Sea. (Children's Environmental School)

Specific sub-thematic area(s): environmental education, value of education

Key word(s):

Tags: ecological footprint ecological footprint , education education , environmental education environmental education , integrated approach to learning integrated approach to learning , sustainable development sustainable development

School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: Science, Social sciences

Activity’ objectives:

- understand the importance of sustainable development;
- incorporate sustainable development ideas in the learning process;
- To acquires for education of sustainable development.

Pupils’ learning competences (SUBJECT- specific) addressed: Be aware of yourself in the environment and its interaction with you; - Learning about the natural environment, to gain an idea of its relationship with the global world; - To improve the ability to cooperate.

Pupils’ learning competences (CGE) addressed: - Thinking and action in relation to sustainable development; - Connect the learner to their local and global spheres of influence.

Methodology: Cooperative-learning, Problem-based learning, World-links method, Learning to live together

Age range: 6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-14

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