> The original version in German is available here

> An English version is also available  here

> A Latvian version is also available here

> A Bulgarian version is also available  here

Plastic is an indispensable part of our daily lives. Children’s rooms are full of plastic toys, water from lightweight plastic bottles is popular, our food is wrapped in plastic, our kitchens are full of plastic bowls and when we buy things everywhere plastic bags are used. Plastic is widely used and popular because of its characteristics. However, our full life of plastic gives the environment a hard fight. Rotting plastic takes up to 500 years. Sooner or later, large parts of the plastic waste end up in the sea. There are now even plastic islands in the sea. Many animals mistake the plastic waste with food, which often has deadly consequences. In addition, the water quality suffers from the plasticisers. Is plastic a curse or a blessing? Is it harmful to the human body? Would a life without plastic be possible at all? Are there any alternatives? And how can I approach this complex issue to 7 - 10-year olds?

Author: Südwind

Year: 2016

Languages: Czech

Typology of education resource : 3 learning units

GCE Issues: Environment

Author: Südwind

Specific sub-thematic area(s): Responsible use of resources, Responsible consumption

Key word(s):

Tags: environment environment , environmental education environmental education , plastic plastic , responsible consume responsible consume , waste waste

Activity’ objectives:

  • The students discover the characteristics of plastic.
  • They extend their knowledge of the working conditions in the toy production.
  • They recognise their own connection with people in the global South.
  • The pupils reflect about alternatives to plastic

Pupils’ learning competences (CGE) addressed: Comparing information, Discussing

Methodology: Cooperative-learning, Debate, Game and Meditation

Age range: 7-10

Duration: 2-3 hours each unit

Link to website: https://www.varianty.cz/download/docs/3740_kampak-plaves-piskaci-kacenko-final.pdf

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