> An English version is also available here
Brainstorm with the students on what kind of work they have already done in their lives and what do they consider under the word “work”. Discuss with them other question connected with working and also the question if they think that it is common that children of their age living in another part of world do regular work instead of going to school. Let them to imagine themselves in that situation. Then the children are asked to put themselves into another role (they choose one card with description of their new personality, name, age and its life). Ask all the children the same questions as How does your house look like etc. – it will help them realize important facts. Tell students that you are now going to read out the statements describing various situations or events. Every time they agree with the statement, they should take one step forward. If they don‘t agree, they should remain in place. After that make evaluation and reflection. Try to ask questions to guide the students towards expressing the causes of a particular child’s situation or his/her family‘s situation and its consequences.
Author: OnEarth-Society for Fair Trade
Year: 2011
Languages: Czech
Typology of education resource : Learning unit
GCE Issues: Social & economic justice
Author: OnEarth-Society for Fair Trade
Specific sub-thematic area(s): Child labour, poverty, social and economic injustice
Key word(s):
cacao production ,
education ,
free time ,
working condition
School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: Geography, Social Science
Activity’ objectives:
- Pupils reflect on their own attitude to work.
- Pupils empathize with working children in different parts of the world.
- Pupils reproduce stories of specific children based on a text and describe various forms of child labour.
- Pupils explain some of the reasons for child labour and characterize its impact on children, their families and all of society.
- Pupils assess the inequality of opportunities in the world. Pupils reflect on their own attitude to work.
Pupils’ learning competences (SUBJECT- specific) addressed: Empathizing, text reading, abstract information from text, comparing way of life
Pupils’ learning competences (CGE) addressed: Ability to compare different ways of life in different parts of world, analyze causes and impact of poverety on life of other people, ability empathise
Methodology: Simulation method
Age range: 10-11, 12-14
Duration: 00:45:00
Link to website: http://www.nazemi.cz/sites/default/files/aktivita_kdo_rad_kakao_krok_vpred.pdf