An educational resource for primary schools about playing and toys. The resource explores what children around the globe like to play and what parents and grandparents used to play, when they were children. It emphasises the importance of spare time for playing as a children's right. It gives information about gender stereotypes in toys and shows that you do not need many things for having fun, but some friends and a courtyard.
Author: Suedwind
Year: 2018
Languages: German
Typology of education resource : Cooperative games and Learning Units
Author: Suedwind
Key word(s):
consumption ,
diversity ,
human rights ,
peace ,
social justice ,
Sustainability ,
sustainable development
School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: Cross-curricular
Pupils’ learning competences (CGE) addressed: Global Citizienship Education
Methodology: Group work; reading/writing exercices; critical thinking; exploring/playing; creative work and games
Age range: 6-10
Link to website: