An animated film called "Crossroads" is used as a stimulus. Students subsequently reflect by answering questions like: What can a signpost symbolize? What do the symbols on signs mean? Do we know how they originated? Why are some ways land bounded? What can it mean?

Knowledge is developed by explaining the symbols of different religions. Students cites examples of religious discourses, they bring to the lives of citizens "frictions" and conflicts. Attitudes are developed by students' suggestions, what should be in the section on freedom of thought, conscience and religion, later comparing with the wording in paragraph Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

At the end, students answer questions: Why is "public" debate important, even if results are not taken into account? In the film finally all meet in one room. How does it compare to the situation of today's world, conflicts and human rights issues?

Students select one of those questions and write what is coming to their mind. Variation: Students formulate a question on the topic of religion or belief, for which they want to know the answer from classmates.

Author: Nina Rutová, People in Need

Year: 2013

Languages: Czech

Typology of education resource : Learning unit

GCE Issues: Human rights

Author: Nina Rutová, People in Need

Specific sub-thematic area(s): Religion, diversity, tolerance

Key word(s):

Tags: diversity diversity , religion religion , tolerance tolerance

School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: Social Science, History

Activity’ objectives:

• pupils analyze film Crossroad with a religious theme.
• pupils discuss controversial religious demonstrations and religious tolerance.
• pupils formulate their own opinion of section to freedom of thought, conscience and religion and compare it with the text of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU.
• pupils reflect on their relationship to faith and religion and are willingness to share it with others.
• pupils can ask their own questions about God, faith, religion.

Pupils’ learning competences (SUBJECT- specific) addressed: Reflect on own relationship to different religions and discuss controversial issues, formulate own questions and human rights

Pupils’ learning competences (CGE) addressed: Knowledge of and respect for key universal values - human rights and diversity, cognitive skills for critical thinking

Methodology: Critical thinking - model E-U-R

Age range: 12-14

Duration: 00:45:00

Link to website:

Relevant notes :

The project "Respect doesn´t hurt" has in on-line version more activities for teachers, what is possible to use easily as stimuli are videos created for the project (click on topic).

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