Each pupil receives a paper describing a character. Each pupil imagines he becomes this character. The facilitator announces some situations: if the character is able to realise the action described, he can make a step forward. If he is not able to do this action, he stays at the same place.
At the end of the activity, pupils discuss about how they felt, what they thought about others. They discuss about human rights.
Author: CCFD-Terre solidaire
Year: 2007
Languages: French
Typology of education resource : Class activity
GCE Issues: Social & economic justice
Author: CCFD-Terre solidaire
Specific sub-thematic area(s): inequalities, human rights
Key word(s):
basic needs ,
empathy ,
game role playing ,
social minority
School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: moral and civic education
Activity’ objectives:
Raise pupils awareness about inequalities, basic needs and human rights between different countries and inside a country.
Work on representation and deconstructing stereotypes.
Understand the implication of belonging to a social or ethnic minority and consequences.
Have empathy.
Pupils’ learning competences (CGE) addressed: Develop empathy Develop awareness and respect of differences Develop awareness of inequalities
Methodology: Simulation method
Age range: 10-11, 12-14
Duration: 00:45:00
Link to website: http://ccfd-terresolidaire.org/IMG/pdf/visa_cahier2_f3.pdf
Relevant notes :
This game has to be adapted for pupils from 8 to 11. Characters described have to be changed for children characters. Situations have to be changed and adapted to child’s situations. We worked on a version for primary pupils in Le Partenariat. If you need our version, you can ask for it.