Video animation, an infographic with information, and a class activity. A short video with an exploration of the issue of migration, with a focus on refugees and asylum seekers. The resource aims to clarify terms around migration, inform teachers and children about migration, and also provide teachers with the methodologies necessary and approriate to approach such a sensitive topic. The animation focuses on the parallels between the experience of current refugees specifically from Syria and that of Irish people during the Great Famine. The objective is to foster empathy among children.

Author: Trocaire

Year: 2018

Languages: English

Typology of education resource : Video Animation

GCE Issues: Diversity issues

Author: Trocaire

Specific sub-thematic area(s): Migration, human rights, history, social justice

Key word(s):

Tags: human rights human rights , migration migration , social justice social justice

School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: History, Cross curricular

Methodology: Animaton, discussion, letter writing

Age range: 10-13

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