The pupils are at the beginning shown four different pictures of tomatoes with short text describing place of origin, the shop/ farmer, price. They are asked to decide what kind of tomato would they choose and why. Later they discuss by each picture the reasons why  they would or wouldn´t choose it. The teacher take notes of pupil´s decision and argumentation which helps him to decide in which way he/she should plan next lessons influencing to more responsible attitudes.

Author: People in Need, RISC, Milan Šimečka Foundation

Year: 2015

Languages: Czech

Typology of education resource : Class activity

GCE Issues: Environment

Author: People in Need, RISC, Milan Šimečka Foundation

Specific sub-thematic area(s): Global interconnections, sustainability, responsible consumption

Key word(s):

Tags: decision decision , price price , quality quality , shopping shopping , tomatos tomatos

School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: Science, Social science

Activity’ objectives:

- pupils choose the product they would buy and support their decision with arguments, pupils compere advantages and disadvantages of different products 

Pupils’ learning competences (SUBJECT- specific) addressed: Giving arguments, comparing things, disscusing

Pupils’ learning competences (CGE) addressed: Awarenes of global interconnectivity in our everyday life, understanding the impact on environment, responsible consuption; openess to change attitude

Methodology: Methodology of Measuring teachers' impact on pupil attitudes and actions

Age range: 8-9, 10-11, 12-14

Duration: 00:45:00

Pedagogic references: The activity was created and piloted by teachers.

Link to website:

Relevant notes :

We have decided to choose this activity although it is not tipical activity bringing  new knowledge. It works specificaly with attitudes of pupils and should reveal what do the pupils take into account when they think about buying some stuff in the shop. The methodology (book) introduce the way how the teacher can continue in working on changing pupils attitude into more responsible (respectful..) one and how to measure the impact of teaching. 

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