The parachute game is a cooperative game. Facilitator can organize several progressive games.
First step: learn to know each other and understand the parachute. Second step: play together. Third step: try to do something together. Fourth step: require others to carry out an action.
Author: collective contribution
Year: 2005
Languages: French
Typology of education resource : Class activity
GCE Issues: Peace
Author: collective contribution
Specific sub-thematic area(s): cooperation, mutual aid, communication
Key word(s):
cooperation ,
parachute ,
School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: moral and civic education
Activity’ objectives:
To be and to do together
To be supportive
To be confident about others
Pupils’ learning competences (CGE) addressed: To be supportive To be confident about others
Methodology: Cooperative-learning, Learning to live together
Age range: 6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-14
Link to website:,Dossier_special_jeux_de_parachute.pdf
Relevant notes :
This tool can be implemented with several games, explained in those 3 websites. You can find games and chose one or another, depending on ages, time you have...