Handbook of stimuli for sessions and lots of ideas for how to manage a P4C session in class. It has 80 pages with an introduction to Philosophy for Children (P4C) and concept stretchers that more confident teachers can use. An introduction to P4C: rationale as a key methodology for GCE, followed by a collection of tried and tested stimuli for P4C enquiries on each Global Learning theme, including a written description of how it was used and the questions it generated.

Author: Cumbria Development Education Centre (CDEC)

Year: 2018

Languages: English

Typology of education resource : Handbook

GCE Issues: GCE issues

Author: Cumbria Development Education Centre (CDEC)

Specific sub-thematic area(s): Responsible use of resources, Responsible consumption

Key word(s):

Tags: diversity diversity , human rights human rights

School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: Literacy, Geography, Citizenship, Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Learning, History and even Maths

Activity’ objectives:

  • The students know where paper comes from originally.
  • They recognise the importance of this invention for humankind.
  • The students understand that reading and writing can be done thanks to the use of paper.
  • They acknowledge the environmental cost of the use of paper

Pupils’ learning competences (CGE) addressed: Values education, identity development, understanding of diversity, examinging stereotypes and how they arise, how others see us.

Methodology: Dialogue & Enquiry, Critical Thinking

Age range: 7-11

Pedagogic references: P4C continues to emerge as one of the most important pedagogic vehicles for teaching and embedding GCE in primary schools. We have received lots of requests for stimuli over the past couple of years, and this is an opportunity to collate a wide variety of examples.

Link to website: https://www.cdec.org.uk/uploads/Global-Schools/PhilosophyForGlobalLearning-Tried-and-Tested-Stimuli.pdf

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