This working unit's main objective is to familiarize primary school pupils with fair trade and critical consumption, through the presentation of some products and their stories, label reading and organic brands.
The activity is designed to make the students conscious of the effects of their daily decisions and choices over environment and community, on a glocal basis.
It is indeed a rather significant source of the following UNESCO global citizenship competences:
▪  develop and apply critical skills for civic literacy, e.g. critical inquiry, information technology, media literacy, critical thinking, decision-making, problem solving, negotiation, peace building and personal and social responsibility;
▪  develop values of fairness and social justice, and skills to critically analyze inequalities based on gender, socio-economic status, culture, religion, age and other issues.
Among the main aspects of this resource, based upon values, is the use of active teaching methods, like interactive games, cooperative learning, web quest, role play.
During the whole process, the pupil is central to the learning process: children are expected to take part in the experience, observe, discover through the five senses, research by means of NT, compare points of view, reflect, express their ideas using different languages and communicate their ideas.
There will be three working stages, thus summarized:
An interactive game of discovery on fair trade products (2 hours)
A web quest on fair trade products (4 hours)
A role play concerning a sale of fair trade products (2 hours)
Between the second and third stage, it is recommendable to introduce a deeper analysis of some aspects with the help of a fair trade organization.
Each stage of the activity shall be monitored by an evaluation task, perfectly integrated in the process.

Author: Elena Cappellari, Università degli Studi di Padova

Year: 2011

Languages: Italian

Typology of education resource : Learning unit

GCE Issues: Social & economic justice

Author: Elena Cappellari, Università degli Studi di Padova

Specific sub-thematic area(s): Fair trade; Consumer education; Sustainable development

Key word(s):

Tags: critical consumption critical consumption , ecolabels ecolabels , fair trade products fair trade products , fair-trade fair-trade

School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: Geography, Art, Technology and IT

Activity’ objectives:

- To develop an intercultural dialogue
- To promote a behavioural change in order to protect human rights
- To act in an autonomous and responsible way aware of the effects of every single action

Pupils’ learning competences (SUBJECT- specific) addressed: Communication in mother tongue Communication through visual language Social and civic competences Digital competences Geographical competences

Pupils’ learning competences (CGE) addressed: To grasp the interdependence Moving from the local to the universal developing a holistic dimension To think critically To act responsibly for the common good

Methodology: Cooperative-learning, Problem-based learning, Debate (activity or competition or else), Role-play

Age range: 10-11

Duration: 08:00:00

Pedagogic references: "Documento d’indirizzo per la sperimentazione dell’insegnamento di “Cittadinanza e Costituzione” Ministry of Education, 2009

Link to website:

Relevant notes :

> This working unit involves some specific official and legal documents, such as:
Carta Africana Dei Diritti Umani e dei Popoli (1986)
Commissione Bruntland (1987)
Conferenza di Rio (1992)
Dichiarazione di Bilbao (1999)
Dichiarazione sui Diritti dei Popoli Indigeni (2007)

> This unit belogs to a wider product "Materiali per la costruzione del curricolo di cittadinanza e costituzione, 2° corso di Alta Formazione per docenti esperti in Educazione civica, diritti umani, cittadinanza, costituzione (AA 2009/2010), Centro interdipartimentale di ricerca e servizi sui diritti della persona e dei popoli, Università degli Studi di Padova. (pp 171-178)

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