> The original version in German is available  here

> A Latvian version is also available  here

> A Bulgarian version is also available here

The tomato is the favourite vegetable for half of the Austrians. Due to their good taste and bright red colour, it was referred to as "paradise apple", in Austria today easily recognisable by the name "Paradeiser". Anything other than heavenly are the cultivation and sale of the tomatoes in our globalised age: most tomatoes in our supermarkets are from the Spanish region of Almeria. Precarious working conditions of pickers, use of pesticides and huge water consumption have come to the agenda. These are just some aspects that will be addressed. Activities are presented in an interactive way, so that children from 6 to 10 years get to know the tomato from different perspectives: learn exciting facts about them, look at Almeria from space, develop a seasonal calendar for local vegetables, locating the origin of supermarket vegetables identified by the labels and discover ancient tomato varieties.

For every unit teaching goals, methods, worksheets, a detailed sequence plan and background information for teachers are included.

Author: Südwind, translation by CDEC

Year: 2016

Languages: English

Typology of education resource : 7 learning units

GCE Issues: Environment

Author: Südwind, translation by CDEC

Specific sub-thematic area(s): Agriculture, Responsible consumption, Biodiversity

Key word(s):

Tags: agriculture agriculture , consumption consumption , food food , responsible consume responsible consume , tomatos tomatos , water water

School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: Bulgarian, Biology, Geography, Science

Activity’ objectives:

  • The students expand their knowledge about tomatoes and vegetables growing in times of globalisation.
  • Students learn about unknown types of tomatoes.
  • They recognise why different varieties are important.

Pupils’ learning competences (CGE) addressed: Global Citizenship Education, Diversity, social and economic justice, environment

Methodology: Cooperative-learning, Debate, Game and Meditation

Age range: 6-10

Duration: 20-30 minutes each unit

Link to website: https://www.cdec.org.uk/uploads/Global-Schools/the-colourful-world-of-tomatoes.pdf

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