The lesson starts with question of quite personal character – what makes you happy in your life? and the whole class share the answers together. Other questions follow e.g. did it happen to you anytime that someone wanted to make you happy but you didn't like it? etc. and everybody answers for themselves and later share in small groups with others. After that, they are introduced the book “The Possum that didn't” and the teachers leads them through the reading (controlled reading/reading with prediction). Teachers divides the book into 3 or 4 parts and discuss with pupils the content and what might follow and why. The reflexion part is done by the method RAFT – pupils choose the Role, Address, Form, Topic and write the text which reflects what they take from the story.

Author: Petra Skalická, People in Need

Year: 2014

Languages: Czech

Typology of education resource : Learning unit

GCE Issues: Diversity issues

Author: Petra Skalická, People in Need

Specific sub-thematic area(s): Respect to others, values, project planning

Key word(s):

Tags: diversity diversity , helping helping , respect respect

School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: Social Science, Languages

Activity’ objectives:

- pupils empathise with someone who was "helped" without consideration its real needs or will to be helped;

- pupils reflect on diversity of perspectives we use to judge and experience the world around us;

- pupils concider the neccessity of taking into account the real needs of those who we help and respect other perspectives

Pupils’ learning competences (SUBJECT- specific) addressed: Reading, sharing information, writing, discussing, formulating own opinion/ attitude

Pupils’ learning competences (CGE) addressed: Empathy, respect to diversity, openness to experiences and other perspectives

Methodology: Cooperative-learning, Critical thinking - model E-U-R

Age range: 8-9, 10-11, 12-14

Duration: 01:30:00

Pedagogic references: The story of The Possum and the lesson have had very good reference from pedagogic and from students as well. It usally touches them and in the reflexion part the write very deep letters pointing on key topics as respect or different perspectives.

Link to website:

Relevant notes :

There are 2 important facts to take into account:

1 - the activity is part of complex methodology called Active Citizens. It is mostly used in connection with project planning to motivate students for planning their project with respect to real needs of their target group. But it has potential to be taken independently and with more stress on the topic of diversity.

2. There might be one obstacle in working with the lesson - the book itself which is not on-line, but you can find translation into your language or to use animated video instead:

Original book is by Frank Tashlin, "The Possum that Didn't".

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