> A version in Czech is also available here
At the beginning the pupils brainstorm their ideas connected with the word water and then they think over the connections among water and products we use. In small groups they are given cut-out cards with different products. Common task will be to put the cards in the order depending on how much water they think is used to make the products (from the most water intensive to the least). In a class discussion pupils guess how much water is used within the process of production and in next step they are given mathematical task to calculate exactly how much water is needed for production of e. g.1 kg of rice. They also read the information about the product, conditions for planting and place of origin. In the end of the lesson pupils discuss the meaining of the term “virtual water” and why it is important, what are the impacts and consequences for our decision making process about consumption.
Author: Multicultural Center Prague, OnEarth - Society for Fair Trade
Year: 2012
Languages: English
Typology of education resource : Learning unit
GCE Issues: Environment
Author: Multicultural Center Prague, OnEarth - Society for Fair Trade
Specific sub-thematic area(s): Responsible consumption, water resources protection
Key word(s):
consumption ,
impact ,
production ,
School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: Mathematic, Geography, Social Science
Activity’ objectives:
- pupils explain the term “virtual water”
- pupils compare how much water is used to produce different products
- pupils identify specific impacts of production and consumption of products that are water intensive
- pupils convert units and use the rule of three to calculate virtual water
Pupils’ learning competences (SUBJECT- specific) addressed: Counting, comparing information, discussing
Pupils’ learning competences (CGE) addressed: Cognitive skills for critical thinking a decision making, knowledge and understanding of environmental resources, responsible consuption
Methodology: Cooperative-learning, Debate (activity or competition or else)
Age range: 12-14
Duration: 00:45:00
Link to website: http://www.mkc.cz/uploaded/download/MANUAL_AJ.pdf