An activity and enquiry pack about values and identity for SMSC and British Values. This handbook contains lesson plans and resources for teachers to use. It is in 3 parts and explores 3 areas: personal, family, and community identity; national identity and what this might mean; global identity and citizenship. It explores the values which underlie our identity - where they come from and how they are formed. It critically addresses the concept and teaching of 'British Values' which is now compulsory in schools in UK and instead explores how young people adopt values for themselves through role models, discussion and dialogue. It explores 'universal values' and how the research surrounding these provide a powerful alternative for young people for Global Citizenship. This resource is therefore useful for any country to use with little adaptation when looking for activities to discuss their own national and global identities.

Author: Cumbria Development Education Centre (CDEC)

Year: 2018

Languages: English

Typology of education resource : Handbook and lesson plans

Author: Cumbria Development Education Centre (CDEC)

School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: Physical, Social, Health Education (PSHE), Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural education (SMSC), Literacy, Geography, Religious Education

Pupils’ learning competences (CGE) addressed: Values education, identity development, understanding of diversity, examinging stereotypes and how they arise, how others see us

Methodology: A variety of active approaches including paired and group discussions, role play, sustained shared thinking, P4C, visioning

Age range: 7-11

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