The Trento position statement by Global Schools

The Global Schools partnership undersigned a position statement on Global Citizenship Education urging policy makers and educators alike to focus on "values formation". To raise a new generation of world citizens motivated by solidarity, equality, justice, inclusion, sustainability and cooperation

GCE: sharing strategies

After many previous attempts in this direction, Italy approved a National Strategy on Global Citizenship Education: it is the result of a collective effort of a multi-stakeholder working group led by the Province of Trento with the contribution of tens other subjects

Portugal: a brand new handbook for integrating GCE in curriculum

 “Global Schools. Propostas de integração curricular da Educação para o Desenvolvimento e Cidadania Global no 1º e 2º CEB" is the result of the work of the Portoguese team of Global Schools. A support for teachers who want to embed Development Education and Global Citizenship issues in their everyday work in the classrooms. 

Perspectives on GCE

SAVE THE DATE: Three years of work on Global Citizenship Education across Europe. What are we learning? What can we share? Some reflections and Practices coming from Europe and beyond. Global Schools international conference will take place in Trento, Italy on 12-13 March. You are invited!

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