Italian teachers visit Cumbria, UK

How is Global Citizenship Education integrated in school didactics across Europe? An exchange programme allows primary schools teachers to experience first hand the educational system of another EU country

A revolution in the way we think

In Bonn from 1st to 3rd March 2017 an international conference brings together leading thinkers, policy makers, and civil society to think creatively about global challenges.

Is GCE integrated in primary education in Europe?

A comparative qualitative analysis across 10 European countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Spain, Portugal, UK) on educational policies that favour the introduction of Global Citizenship Education in primary school curriculum. Research findings.

Czech teachers visit their colleagues in Vienna

Exchanging experiences about Global Citizenship Education and getting inspired by the ideas of their colleagues: teachers from different countries travel across Europe and give their contribution to the project.

GCE and people engagement

 Today and tomorrow, the Training Centre for International Cooperation is in Brussels to present the project Global Schools in the Concord meeting - Hub 4, on Global Citizenship Education & People engagement.

Climate change education in Dublin

On 9th November two public events on climate change education in Dublin. Teachers and CSO practitioners working together for Global Schools.

What did we learn from the MDGs?

A detailed analysis on the achievements and shortcomings of the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs): important findings to strenghten commitment on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)  

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