[photos] Dublin on Climate change

On Wednesday November 9th, the Global Schools team in Ireland held 2 public events in DCU St. Patrick's Campus. Both events focused on climate change education. 

See more  here

[Video] A dream in two parts

A monologue by Giorgio Gaber tells us what it feels to be on either side of the story... “Sogno in due tempi” [A dream in two parts], from 'E pensare che c'era il pensiero', 1995

[video] Global schools projekta apmācības

2017. gada pavasara brīvdienās no 14. līdz 17. martam Rēzeknes novadā notika pēdējie no plānotajiem 3 praktiskajiem semināriem par globālo izglītību. Šajā reizē biedrību “Zaļā brīva” un “Humana People to People Latvia” pārstāvji dalījās savās zināšanās par klimatu pārmaiņām un migrāciju.

GCE training and teaching

The international seminar organised in September 2016 by CVM within Global Schools: over 220 participants, a dozen lectures, 17 workshops to reflect and practice Global Citizenship Education

[video] Massimiliano Tarozzi - University of Bologna

Global Citizenship Education in European primary schools. Presentation by professor Massimiliano Tarozzi, University of Bologna, at the X Seminar of intercultural education (Senigallia 10th September 2016). In Italian language

[video] Marcello Flores D'Arcais, Univ. of Siena

Human rights and citizenship in a multiethnic society. Presentation by professor Marcello Flores D'Arcais, University of Siena, at the X Seminar of intercultural education (Senigallia 9th September 2016). In Italian language

[video] MASSIMO AMADIO - Unesco Bureau of Education

The TCIC interviews Prof. Massimo Amadio, Senior Programme Secialists UNESCO at the conference Local Policies for Global Schools. An insight on the UNESCO proposal to reshape school programmes and to de-construct the traditional idea of school curricula as organised around subjects.

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