"There are 4 main activities listed which include a warm-up, development of the activity and a wrap-up. Respectively, they are mainly based in the subject areas of Geography, Social Sciences (SPHE), Drama (and English) and World Religions.
Each activity explores the refugee crisis through a different lens. The resource also includes an infographic map which gives further insight."
Author: Brighid Golden/ Trócaire
Year: 2015
Languages: English
Typology of education resource : Educational tool kit
GCE Issues: Human rights
Author: Brighid Golden/ Trócaire
Specific sub-thematic area(s): Migration
Key word(s):
asylum seeker ,
europe ,
migrant ,
migration ,
refugee ,
refugee crisis
School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: Geography, Drama, Social Science (SPHE), English, World Religions
Pupils’ learning competences (SUBJECT- specific) addressed: Geography: Learning about human environments and promoting understanding, map work Drama: Exploring and making drama, role play Social Sciences (SPHE): Myself and the wider world, human rights World Religions: Exlporing World Religions English: Oral Language,discussion, debate
Pupils’ learning competences (CGE) addressed: Discussion, debate, critical thinking, group work, simulations, ICT
Methodology: Cooperative-learning, Problem-based learning, Debate (activity or competition or else), Simulation method, Learning to live together, Enquiry based learning
Age range: 8-9, 10-11, 12-14
Duration: n/a
Pedagogic references: n/a
Link to website: https://www.trocaire.org/sites/default/files/resources/edu/forced-to-flee-2017.pdf
Relevant notes :
Available in hard copy. Includes an infographic map which could be used for further activities also. Note that numbers and statistic on the map are representative of Autumn 2015.