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News from Global Schools

New Educational Materials Published in Czech
People in Need has published 4 new resources for primary schools developed within the Global Schools project.

New Educatiotional Material “Globales Lernen konkret”, in German
Developed by Südwind, suitable for children from 6 to 10 years

Portugal: "Development Education and Global Citizenship: A (multi) Agenda"
On April 12 was held the closing seminar of the project "Global Schools" for Portugal, in which, beside presenting the main outputs and results, the school handbook "Global Schools" was launched.

The Trento position statement by Global Schools
The Global Schools partnership undersigned a position statement on Global Citizenship Education urging policy makers and educators alike to focus on "values formation". To raise a new generation of world citizens motivated by solidarity, equality, justice, inclusion, sustainability and cooperation

Conference ‘Perspectives on Global Citizenship’
The final international event of Global Schools took place in Trento on 11-13 March 2018. All materials are collected here for those who were there, and those who were not.

GCE: sharing strategies
After many previous attempts in this direction, Italy approved a National Strategy on Global Citizenship Education: it is the result of a collective effort of a multi-stakeholder working group led by the Province of Trento with the contribution of tens other subjects