The final international event of Global Schools took place in Trento on 11-13 March 2018. All materials are collected here for those who were there, and those who were not.
Although, Global Citizenship Education (GCE) is becoming increasingly valued across the world as an educational approach that enables learners to face the challenges of an interconnected and complex world, there are several co-existing interpretations of global citizenship.
After three years of joint work in 10 EU countries, the Global Schools partnership promoted an event to investigate and acknowledge different perspectives, conceptions, practices, interpretations, encouraging a dialogue among various viewpoints.
Plenary sessions, workshops and video screening were participated by over 160 people from 13 countries. Among them teachers, civil society organisation practitioners, scholars, representatives of national and local authorities, as well as any other person engaged on issues such as active citizenship, education, sustainability, human rights, teachers’ training, local policies and much more.
The programme in short: 30 Speakers & Facilitators; 8 Workshops; 3 Plenary sessions; 7 Film and Videos; 1 Position Statement to sign
Read the introduction and the FULL PROGRAMME HERE
...and ALL MATERIALS below.
Welcoming remarks
MICHELE LANZINGHER, Director of MuSe – Museum of Science, Trento
SARA FERRARI, Provincial Minister for University and Research, Youth Policy, Gender Issues and Development Cooperation, Autonomous Province of Trento [ PPT ]
Introduction to the two days:
Video: GIORGIO GABER, “ Sogno in due tempi ” [A dream in two parts], from E p ensare c he c 'era i l p ensiero , 1995
FRANCESCA VANONI, Project manager Global Schools
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FRANZ HALBARTSCHLAGER, Südwind – So they eat: Food as a Global Citizenship Topic
KATIE CARR, Cumbria Development Education Centre – Pupil Leadership and Learning for the Future
SARA FRANCH, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano – Am I a Global Citizen?
ALESSANDRA FRIZZERA, MuSe, Science Museum – From ‘MuSe’ to the World
LUÍSA NEVES and LA SALETE COELHO, Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo – Curricular Integration of GCE in Primary schools: the Example of Inequalities in Health Care access
PAOLA GOBBI, School Levi Montalcini, Chiaravalle and Camille Plumeri, Le Partenariat – Teaching and learning about Migrations
MARCO LINARDI, International Cooperation Centre – Active Methodologies for GCE Competences
DAVIDE BONIFORTI, Rete Metodi – The Engagement of Local Authorities
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SESSION – Policies and practices for GCE in Europe: Research findings from Global Schools: An international research group has worked within the project Global Schools to investigate how and to what extent GCE is integrated in the educational policies and teaching practices of selected European countries.
MASSIMILIANO TAROZZI, University of Bologna
CARLA INGUAGGIATO, International Cooperation Centre, Trento
BENJAMIN MALLON, Dublin City University, Ireland
Their PPT presentation
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SESSION – Round table – GCE: w hat have we learnt ?
Participants to Global Schools activities in different countries reflected on what has changed around them with the contribution of the project and of a cross-cutting approach focussed on Global Citizenship Education. Classrooms, schools, working environment, families, policies, are all settings where GCE can make a difference.
CLIVE BELGEONNE, Development Education Centre South Yorkshire (DECSY)
The Trento Statement on Global Citizenship Education : Read it and help us disseminating it!
Short film : " What's up with Global Schools " - Some testimonies and participants tell us what changed around them with the help of Global Schools
Round table participants:
JOHNNY TYNDALL, School principal Milverton National School, Ireland
HEDDA DICK, Project manager of the CSO Brigit's Garden , Ireland
WALTER VIGL, Primary school teacher, Innsbruck, Austria
ANDREA ANTOLINI, Teacher at Istituto Comprensivo Mori, Italy
TERESA GONÇALVES, Teachers’ trainer at Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Portugal
PAOLA DELRIO, Official at Provincia autonoma di Trento, Italy
DEBORA ANTONUCCI, Teacher at Istituto Comprensivo Levi Montalcini , Chiaravalle, Italy Petra Skalická, GCE educator, NGO PIN, Czech Republic
DEBBIE WATSON, Training officer at Cumbria Development Education Centre, UK
DAVINIA VILLACAMPA ALEGRE, Primary school teacher, Zaragoza, Spain
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SESSION – Perspectives: This session investigated the perspectives of GCE in a twofold meaning. On the one hand, we asked ourselves what is the future for GCE: what practical and conceptual tools can we use to promote it, integrate it in educational systems, and in society in general? The second meaning was intended to stimulate the ability to recognise and enhance multiple perspectives, highlight different interpretations of GCE, the non-universality of the concept, and a variety of experiences from various backgrounds... and from different generations.
Intro: PIERGIORGIO REGGIO, Paulo Freire Institute Italy and Demarchi Foundation [ VIDEO ]
YOKO MOCHIZUKI, Head of Rethinking Learning Programme, UNESCO-Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development, India. 'Unpacking SDG 4.7: Challenges to meaningful implementation of education for global citizenship' [ VIDEO ] [ PPT ]
FILOMENO LOPES, Radio Vaticana. ' The era of single destinies and self-preservation has ended...if it ever existed' [ VIDEO ]
BAYO AKOMOLAFE, The Emergence Network; Professor of Clinical Psychology, Covenant University, Nigeria. 'The Implications of Mono-education: Recognising Diverse Forms of Learning and a Plurality of Educations beyond Standardised Schooling' [ VIDEO ]
KAREN PASHBY, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. 'Taking a complex and critical approach to GCE: What do youth have to say?' [ PPT ] [ The Youth White Paper on GCE ]
MELITA CRISTALDI, Global Teacher Center, Catania, Italy. 'The Global Teacher Centre in Catania (Sicily): practical and epistemological ideas for curriculum transformation' [ PPT ]
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The event was promoted by Autonomous Province of Trento, International Cooperation Center, and MuSe at the end of the European project
Global Schools
, that for three years has worked to integrate Global Citizenship Education as a cross-cutting approach to primary schools and educational policies in 10 EU countries. It was co-funded by the EU. The 17 European partners are local authorities, civil society organisations, research centres and higher education institutions, that brought together applied research, policy advise and innovative teaching practices.