The publication offers an overview of different learning units developed directly by teachers with the help of experts, from both Trentino and Marche, Italy. Materials are highly context-related but at the same time extremely flexible, so to allow other teachers to use and adapt them. Learning units are described in their implementation, except for two that are presented in detail with all materials and attachments, so to directly inspire teachers.
Author: CCI and CVM
Year: 2018
Languages: Italian
Typology of education resource : Collection of learning units with methodological notes and user's guide
GCE Issues: GCE issues
Author: CCI and CVM
Specific sub-thematic area(s): environment, human rights, diversity, sustainability,
Key word(s):
democracy ,
diversity ,
environment ,
human rights ,
peace ,
School subject(s)/field(s) of studies in which the educational resource can be used: trans-curricular
Activity’ objectives:
The Work Units help teachers in planning learning processes by defining target competencies as well as methods and instruments fitting to the scope
Methodology: serveral active methodologies
Age range: 6-13
Duration: depending from single units
Link to website: