The Autonomous Province of Trento selects a consultant (or team of consultants) for the monitoring and evaluation of the European project "Global Schools". Deadline for submitting bids: 21 March 2016.
The project “Global Schools” is a three-year, EU-funded project (DEAR Programme - DG Devco) led by the Autonomous Province of Trento, which involves 17 partners and 6 associates from 10 European countries. Nowadays, education systems are increasingly asked to prepare children and students to understand global issues, as well as be aware of the impact individual and collective choices have at global level.
«Global citizenship refers to a sense of belonging to a broader community and common humanity. It emphasises political, economic, social and cultural interdependency and interconnectedness between the local, the national and the global» (UNESCO, Global Citizenship Education: Topics and learning objectives , 2015).
“ Global Schools” aims at embedding Global Citizenship Education (GCE) in primary schools curricula in 10 countries, both through a revision of educational policies and through the promotion of innovative teaching practices that adopt GCE as a cross-cutting approach to all school subjects.
The Autonomous Province of Trento is selecting an external consultant (or team of consultants) to carry out the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of the whole project.
See here the call for proposals and the requirements to participate: