The Territoria prizes are awarded to local communities for innovating ideas about urban planning, cultural projects, social initiatives or energy transition
This year, the jury, headed by the Minister Jacques Mézard, decided to awward the Dunkirk Municipality with a silver Territoria prize for the category “Civism/Citizenship”, for the Global Schools project carried out with 16 other European partners. In France, Global Schools is realised in partnership with the association le Partenariat from Lille.
In a current context risking the "insularity of local communitie"s and general social marginalisation, this European project tends to strengthen the sense of citizenship in children, and to stimulate the learning process by innovative methods. Opening their mind on the world and its issues (intercultural dialogues, climate change, preservation of biodiversity and international solidarity) increases their academic performances and improves their behavior. Exchanges between French teachers and Spanish teachers from Zaragoza, trainings for municipal facilitators, development of didactic resources, trainings for pre-service teachers are being realised. This allows partners to build strong links with the National Education insitutions, that showed trust in this kind of initiatives.
This prize motivated all people engaged to push further their actions. A great team work rewarded!