On 31 October, the Autonomous Province of Trento (PAT) promoted a public event at Expo2015 to present Global Schools' approach, the importance of embedding Global Citizenship Education (GCE) in school curricula, and the opportunity that the EYD2015, as well as the Agenda 2030, provide for an increased commitment of LAs in promoting GCE.
On 31 October, the Autonomous Province of Trento (PAT) promoted a public event at Expo2015 to present Global Schools' approach, the importance of embedding Global Citizenship Education (GCE) in school curricula, and the opportunity that the EYD2015, as well as the Agenda 2030, provide for an increased commitment of LAs in promoting GCE.
The initiative was part of a wider one-week event organised by the PAT at EXPOMilan on the topic of international solidarity, development aid, and GCE.
A part of the event, called “Embedding GCE in teaching practices: a practical demonstration”, was designed as a real lesson of GCE directly involving, as if in a virtual classroom, one primary school class from Trentino and its teachers who 'showed' the audience how GCE can be integrated as a cross-cutting approach to various school subjects. In around one and a half hour, 13 children and 3 teachers engaged in a GCE class to familiarize 'the public' with practical methodologies and specific contents related to global issues and how they can be integrated in everyday school didactics.
The audience composed of teachers, development aid practitioners, and Expo visitors experienced and watched in person a lesson and became familiar with the methods applied, the contents exposed, the connections that are developed and the dynamics that are established between the children as well as between them and the teachers.
The class simulation was preceded by the preview screening of the short film “Cittadini del Mondo" (World's citizens) and of the project trailer of “Global Schools” (PAT, 2015, duration: 15' and 2' respectively), with an interview with the authors, Razi and Soheila Mohebi.