Developed by Südwind, suitable for children from 6 to 10 years
Within the „GLOBAL SCHOOLS Project“ the Austrian NGO Südwind developed another colourful educational material for primary schools (in German), focusing on the world of GAMES and PLAYING around the globe. In the last months educational materials on PLASTIC, the secrets of WOOD and PAPER, on TOMATOES and about the world of COWS have already been published.
The material “Children are Playing Everywhere” includes teaching units on:
- Games from aorund the world and grandmother’s time
- Playing without toys
- Toys in pink and blue – reflecting on gender-stereotypes
- Leandra from the green planet and how to make toys on our own?
- etc…
Free download https://www.suedwind.at/…/Schul…/Kinder_spielen_ueberall.pdf