Speakers biographies of the international conference.
Massimo AMADIO
Senior Programme Specialist in charge of Knowledge Creation and Management Services in the International Bureau of Education of UNESCO since 1996. He has collaborated with several international organisations (including UNICEF, FAO, and World Bank) as a consultant and education specialist. During his career, he has written, edited and co-authored several reports, studies, articles and book chapters. He is the chief editor of the World Data on Education, a database containing over 160 profiles of national education systems.
Global Education Advisor at the Development Education Centre South Yorkshire (DECSY). He is involved in several DECSY's projects aimed at providing clear pathways to embed the Global Dimension within the Social & Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) programme, engaging schools across South Yorkshire. He has written numerous articles and publications, including ‘Teaching the Global Dimension: a Handbook for Teacher education’.
Carlos Rodriguez BRANDÃO
A member of the Paulo Freire Institute in São Paulo, Brazil. Since 1963 he has been a popular educator. MA degree in social anthropology at the University of Brasilia, a PhD in Social sciences from the University of São Paulo and professor at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), during his life he has taught in a dozen universities around Brazil and Europe. He is the author of several books on social anthropology, education, environmental issues and literature, and furthermore he is actively engaged in environmental protection and education.
She taught for 34 years in high schools in Ancona, Italy, and she worked as a Researcher on Intercultural Education at the Regional Institute for Educational Research. A founding member of the organisation Comunità Volontari per il Mondo (CVM), she was in charge of teaching Education for solidarity, mutual understanding and interculture. She has been strongly committed in promoting a cultural change to make people aware of concepts such as ethics of justice and solidarity. Although formally retired, she is working as a volunteer on these topics, training Italian teachers on curriculum development, testing and revision.
La Salete COELHO
Graduated from the University of Porto with two MA degrees in Social economy and History of education, she worked for years as a teacher and as a pedagogical supervisor in teachers' training. GCED specialist and coordinator for the Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo (IPVC) in Portugal within the European project 'Global Schools'. Since 2011 she has been in charge for monitoring the 'Estrategia Nacional de Educação para o Desenvolvimento 2010-2015', for the development of Portuguese national education.
Gianmario DEMURO
He is the coordinator for Development Cooperation in the Italian “Conference State-Regions” and regional Minister of Sardinia. Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Cagliari, Italy, and Adjunct Professor in European Governance at the John Marshall Law School in Chicago.
Associate Professor, Canada Research Chair in Race, Inequalities and Global Change at the University of British Columbia, Canad. Her research examines political economies of knowledge production, discusses the ethics of international development and of ideals of globalism and internationalisation in education and in global activism, with an emphasis on representations of, and relationships with, marginalised communities. She is a research fellow at the University of Oulu, where she held a research chair in global education from 2010 to 2013.
Mario Giacomo DUTTO
Former Director General at the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) and Chief of the Provincial Institute for educational research, update and testing (IPRASE) of Trento, he is a specialist in education policies and teachers' training. He contributed to the establishment of the European Network on Teacher Education Policies (ENTEP), and is currently a member of the advisory board of the Research centre on training policies (Ceriform). Co-author and author of several books and publications, in 2013 he published "Acqua alle funi. Per una ripartenza della scuola italiana” (Water to the ropes. For the Italian school to restart).
Public official at the Piedmont Region since 1978, he has been strongly involved in international cooperation issues. After some missions to the Republic of Burundi, he had the idea of founding the International Cooperation Department within the Piedmont Region. He taught as a university professor, teaching in several undergraduate and postgraduate courses, including an MA in International Cooperation at the Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI) in Milan. During his career, he collaborated with the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
Since 2008 he has been the chairman of the Global Education Network Europe (GENE), the European network of Ministries and Agencies in charge of supporting, funding and policy-making in the field of global education. From 2004 he has been the head of the Department for development communication and education at ADA (Austrian Development Agency). He is a secondary school teacher and a PhD in Education Science (University of Nürnberg). His dissertation on 'Global Education in Austria' was published on IKO Verlag in German and in Waxmann in English.
Lecturer in Philosophy and Human Development at the Education Department of St Patrick's College, Dublin City University, Ireland. His recent work has focused on French philosophy and on the problem of ethos in Irish schools. He has also been actively involved in the development of the new Ethics and Education curriculum strand in St Patrick’s, which seeks to provide a multi-denominational option for teachers and students.
Counsellor of Education, she works at the Finnish National Board of Education. MA in Social and political science from the University of Helsinki. She has participated in three curricular reforms of basic education and upper secondary education in Finland. Specialist on global education and education for gender equality, she contributed in various capacities to the recent curricular reforms of general education in 2010 - 2015. She also deals with adults' education, especially related to migrants, as well as development education with UNESCO, Council of Europe, the Nordic Council of Ministers, the Baltic Sea states and Russia. She represents Finland in the Global Education Network Europe (GENE).
Deirdre McKnight KEYES
She started her career as a secondary school teacher. On completion of a Masters in Human Rights Education, she became involved in Development and Intercultural Education in the NGO sector for a number of years, working initially as Education Officer with Trócaire and then becoming Director of the National Committee for Development Education. She then returned to the formal sector where she has had a senior management post with the Local Education and Training Boards (Dublin area) for the last 15 years. She has just recently completed her Doctorate in Educational Leadership.
The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy in European Commission since November 2014. Elected to the Italian Chamber of Deputies in 2008 and re-elected in 2013, she was the Italian Minister of the Foreign Affairs from February to October 2014 before moving to Brussels.
A teacher of Natural sciences since 1986, and a PhD student in Human and social sciences at the Department of Psychology, University of Turin. She currently works on education to solidarity, citizenship and environmental sustainability.
He joined the OECD in 2009 as an economist. Before moving to the PISA team in April 2015, he worked for the Public Governance Directorate and the Statistics Directorate of the OECD, the University of Geneva and the World Bank. He has contributed to several large OECD and inter-agency projects on gender and well-being, and led the definition and development of international indicators on metropolitan areas, inequality, entrepreneurship and trade. He holds a PhD in economics from the University of Geneva and his doctoral research focused on the relationship between migration and education mobility.
Born in Bologna and graduated in Political Science. Since 1996 she has been collaborating with Gruppo di volontariato civile (GVC), laical and independent ngo active in international cooperation in over 22 countries. Until 2003 she worked as development practitioner in Africa and later as coordinator of Development education activities and coordinator for Maghreb, a position she still holds. again for GVC she has been directing, since its establishment in 2007, the “Terra di Tutti” Film Festival, documentaries and social cinema from the South of the world.
Andrea SEGRÈ
An agronomist and economist. Professor of international and comparative agricultural policy at the Department of Agricultural science and technology at the University of Bologna. After long years of research, his area of interest became the waste of food and agricultural resources and their sustainable recovery for solidarity purposes. During this period, he implemented and promoted projects connected to the “Last Minute Market”, aimed to recycle unsold food. In 2013 he founded the first National Observatory on waste and he works on the definition of a national plan for the prevention of waste. He is actually Chairman of the Edmund Mach Foundation (FEM) in San Michele all'Adige (Trento).
Journalist since 2003 for Il Sole 24ore, she writes about education and vocational training. She is a writer, a teacher, and a specialist in education, cooperation and international solidarity. Journalist for the European Training Foundation (ETF) and a freelancer since 2008, she is currently attending a PhD programme on 'Global education at school' at the University of Turin. She has gained extensive knowledge on issues strictly related to education, while working as a teacher in the secondary school since 2010 and as a professor in International Journalism at the University of Turin since 2011.
Massimiliano TAROZZI
Associate Professor in Education at the Department of Life Quality Studies, University of Bologna, where he teaches in the areas of General Education and Qualitative Research Methods. He is also a member of the Board of the Doctoral School in Psychological Sciences and Education, University of Trento. In addition to a number of scientific articles, he has written or edited 12 books in the field of intercultural and citizenship education; teacher education and qualitative research in education. He has recently published "From interculture to social justice, for a political and pedagogical project of global citizenship", published by Franco Angeli (2015).
Giorgio TONINI
A Senator of the Italian Republic. Graduated in Philosophy at the University of Rome, he is a journalist, founder and director of 'Didascalie', a Trento-based magazine specialised on education. He has been an MP since 2001, he is a member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. He has played a major role in drafting the reform of the Italian Law on development cooperation approved in 2014 by the Italian Parliament.