There are many challenges in the modern world – issues concerning refugees, and globalization. Could it concern each of us? Are we separated from the global world or is it a part of us? How can global education educate us and inform about the processes which take place in the world?
There are many challenges in the modern world – issues concerning refugees, and globalization. Could it concern each of us? Are we separated from the global world or is it a part of us? How can global education educate us and inform about the processes which take place in the world? The answers to these questions tried to find the participants of the conference from more than 15 countries who gathered together from 1 till 4 December in Trento (Italy). Anita Ludborza ( Ludborža ), Head of the Committee of Education, Culture and Sports of Rezekne ( Rēzekne ) Amalgamated Municipality, representative of project “Global Schools” management group, project coordinator Inta Ozolniece and Inta Rimsane ( Rimšāne ), external relations organizer of Rezekne Amalgamated Municipality also participated in the conference. Sara Ferrari, the Minister for Education of Trento Autonomous Province, emphasized that government shall equally spend money for defence and culture and education, because our task is to educate the young generation on the global issues. This generation will take our place after 20 – 30 years.
The representative of educational committee from Finland presented the positive experience of Finland in the field of global education (GE). The origin of the integration of GE in Finland could found already in 1968. Lisa Jääskeläinen from Finnish National Board of Education emphasized that anybody can attain the same results which have been achieved by Finland. Associate Professor Vanesa de Oliveira Andreotti from Canada presented the latest study materials in the field of GE.
At the conference there were presentations made by leading professors and educators in the field of global education from Italy, Portugal, Ireland and the United Kingdom.
Anita Ludborza ( Ludborža ), head of Rezekne Amalgamated Municipality project management committee, shares with expeience obtained at the conference: “At the conference I obtained deeper insight into the role of global education in the world, as well as understanding how GE functions in the world in relation to the issues of foreign policy and culture. During discussions there were many issues discussed about the change of the role of education, the problem of refugees. The studies of GE prove that our preschool and primary school education takes the right route. I was particularly pleased about the presentation of the representative from Finland on the adjustment of educational system for obtaining pupils’ qualitative, competitive education.
Inta Rimsane added that the project will enable Rezekne Amalgamated Municipality local government, teachers and educators, Ministry of Education and Science, non-governmental organizations to commence discussion on the necessity to integrate an insight into the world also in the preschool and primary school educational programmes. “The world has changed, and it is necessary also to be able to talk about these changes with little children, therefore in March of the coming year there will organized courses/seminars for the teachers Rezekne Amalgamated Municipality on this theme. Global education is the education about the world surrounding us, about us in the world and the world within us.”
Project “Global Schools” will be implemented in Rezekne Amalgamated Municipality from 2015 till 2018. There are 24 educational institutions involved from Rezekne Amalgamated Municipality involved in the project. Within period of three years the teachers will have an opportunity to master GE themes, to broaden their vision on GE, as well as they will have an opportunity to apply the obtained knowledge in practice.
On 16 December there will be a round-table discussion, where there are invited to participate the representatives of schools involved in the project, the experts of the project “Global Schools”, representatives of Rezekne Amalgamated Municipality and Gulbene Amalgamated Municipality local governments. During the round-table discussion, the experts of the project will open a theme on the global education by presenting a report on the division of the population and resources of our planet. During discussion we will talk about global processes affecting also us. Why is it important to talk about the themes of global education in modern and changing world? What is the place of Latvia within this process? What themes are topical for Rezekne Amalgamated Municipality? The representatives of Gulbene Amalgamated Municipality will share their experience regarding GE in their amalgamated municipality by forming positive synergy between Amalgamated Municipalities of Gulbene and Rezekne.
Information on Trento conference and the presentations of the participants of conference are available here:
Inta Ozolniece,
Project Global schools coordinator in Latvia