The preschoolers and primary school pupils from Rezekne Amalgamated Municipality at the age of 5 to 11 years were invited to participate in the competition “The Diverse World together with Bonuks” within the framework of the project “Global Schools: EYD 2015 to Embed Global Learning in Primary Education”.
The preschoolers and primary school pupils from Rezekne Amalgamated Municipality at the age of 5 to 11 years were invited to participate in the competition “The Diverse World together with Bonuks” within the framework of the project “Global Schools: EYD 2015 to Embed Global Learning in Primary Education”.
On 17 May in “Cilveka berns park”, Ozolmuiza ( Ozolmuiža ) Rural Municipality, Rezekne Amalgamated Municipality, there was held the final event of the competition “The Diverse World together with Bonuks” that was attended by more than 50 participants.
In total 12 educational institutions from Rezekne Amalgamated Municipality participated in the competition by submiting the best works of their children. The organizers of the competition recognized the works of eight children as the best and most appropriate for the theme of the competition. These were the works of Santa Zabulajeva (Gaigalava Elementary School), Rastina ( Rastīna ) Lipska (Ozolaine Preschool Educational Institution “Jāņtārpiņš” ( “Glowworm” )), Selina Sviksa ( Selīna Svikša ) (Malta PEI), Anna Plaunova (Tiskadi Secondary School), Diana ( Diāna ) Saleniece (Uljanova PEI “Skudriņa” ( “Little Ant” )), Agija Vonoga (Nautreni Secondary School), Tereze Boltane ( Terēze Boltāne ) (Veremi Elementary School), Viktorija Ivanova (Griskani PEI).
All participants of the competition had done their best, and the drawings were really beautiful, painted by applying different techniques, therefore everybody received diplomas and promotion prizes for the participation in the competition. Of course, the authors of the best works were especially praised.
It should be pointed out that the works submitted for the competition will be used to design visually the study material in global education, which will be prepared within the framework of the above mentioned project. It is planned to develop the study material in the nearest future within the framework of one of he project activities.
The children and their educators acknowledged that the final event of the competition was really very wonderful – the nature was on our side, the games and amusements were exciting, the soup made on the open fire and the snacks were tasty.
The organizers of the competition – project work group and Educational Department of Rezekne Amalgamated Municipality would like to express gratitude to all those educational institutions that participated in the announced competition!
Inga Zapane ( Zapāne ) Project Global schools assistant.