From 24 October till 27 October there were practical activities organized for Rezekne Amalgamated Municipality preschool and primary school educators in the field of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). It was the continuation of 48-hour global education professional development program, which was commenced on 18 August and 22 August and acquired by project participants.
From 24 October till 27 October there were practical activities organized for Rezekne Amalgamated Municipality preschool and primary school educators in the field of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). It was the continuation of 48-hour global education professional development program, which was commenced on 18 August and 22 August and acquired by project participants. 48-hour global education professional development program for the preschool and primary school educators from Rezekne Amalgamated Municipality was run by lecturers from EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT CENTRE, but NGO practical activities for preschool and primary school educators from Rezekne Amalgamated Municipality – by society “GREEN FREEDOM” ( “ZAĻĀ BRĪVĪBA” ).
The lecturers of classes acknowledged that this time the educators of the amalgamated municipality showed not only interest about the lecturers’ presentations, but were also active themselves by sharing their experience and about work at their educational institution. Aija Ruhmane, the teacher of Rezekne Preschool Education Institution “Vinnijs Puks” shared the experience she gained during the 2 nd cycle studies: “It is worth to emphasize tha every class delivered by knowledgeable and experienced lecturers provides many new ideas which can be used for your everyday work. In order to approbate the obtained information better, the educators are provided a unique opportunity to put themselves in the lecturers’ place and deliver lectures for their colleagues at their institution. Thus the beneficiaries during these courses are not only the educators participating at the lectures, but also the teachers at the educational institutions who receive vast amount of useful information after every cycle of studies. On behalf of us and all educators who take part in these studies we would like once again to express our gratitude for the provided opportunity to improve our professional competences”.
The conclusions drawn by Jelena Bazanova ( Jeļena Bažanova ) a teacher at Tiskadi ( Tiskādi )Secondary School in Rezekne Amalgamated Mucipality, after the courses: “The colleagues like very much that I share with them all knowledge I have acquired during these courses. When I invited them for a discussion on the global education themes for the first time, the thought – there will something told again, but, when we tried to apply something also in practice, they said – it is wonderful!, it is interesting!, we did not have any idea that there is such a possibility and that we can do it together with children”.
The thoughts of Inguna Butkane ( Butkāne ), a primary school teacher at Dricani ( Dricāni ) Secondary School, about the gain obtained during courses: “Everything global starts from ourselves – the life we have will become the life of people in the world. Everybody must think about himself/herself, own actions, habits, attitude and also about the rest.”
It is pleasure that educators appreciate opportunities they are provided by this project! We find that the scquired themes and also the methods suggested for applying when working with children will be soon introduced in practice and they will give positive results.
Work group of the project